Budh or Mercury is the most important planet in the horoscope. When we look at the horoscope, first of all we look at mercury placement. Mercury affects the intellect, if it is weak then the native's intellect power is also weak and he does not have the power to think, understand and take right decisions at the right time. You have a lot of money, but you do not have intelligence, then you will not be able to make proper use of that money, people will be cheated easily.
Mercury is also responsible for communication, when Mercury or Buddha gets spoiled, he has no power to express, people do not trust his words. Mercury is also responsible for business, if Budh is bad in the horoscope then the native cannot become a successful business man. If the Budh is bad in the horoscope then the native will be given such diseases which will cause death due to lack of knowledge. So, understand how important it is to have Buddha in our life?
Buddha is called Kumar. The age between 10 to 13 years is the age of real Buddha. At such an age, by coaxing boys, you will try to reduce them and they become like this. If someone washes his brain to steal then he becomes a great thief in life, someone supports and encourages him to become a scientist and then in the end he becomes a great scientist. What is meant by saying is this. Whichever house Mercury is in and which planets is associated with, it has adopted the nature of those planets and also gives similar results to that planet.
If Mercury is with Rahu, then results like Rahu will give by the Mercury in life. If Jupiter is with Mercury in the horoscope, then what to say? The native will be wise and very knowledgeable who becomes a storehouse of knowledge. People are praising him, he seems to be a good writer, he may express his thoughts in such a way that he definitely gets name and fame in the society.
If he is with Shukra or Venus then native who is very famous in the art line, like a good professional singer, dancer, comedian, musician, fashion designer with a high level in the society.
Today I will share with you sixteen points related to mercury which are really amazing and I hope you may have never heard.
1) If Guru or Shukra is in trine from the Mercury then it is very beneficial to understand in life what will happen to the person. If the native will be persistent nature, and continues to stick in his words then he may see just the opposite result. This is said because, such people are not seen to understand any topic easily. Small things that can be easily sorted out are not allowed to be done in a easy way. Because his logical mind seems to be very strong in such a condition he is called "a stubborn person" who said that he should be.

2) If Ketu is in trine from Mercury or Budha means 5th or 9th house then the person is definitely facing education related problems in the life.
3) If Jupiter is bad for Buddha in the horoscope, the native is more interested in studying his religious scriptures.
4) If Mercury is with Jupiter, then the person has a love affair with someone else and gets married to someone else.
5) If Mercury is with Venus, there are some native’s friends from whom the native can have either a very good or a very bad impact in his life.
6) If Mercury placed with Shani, native’s some of the friends are will be obese you can notice this point. Because I predict as per my experience and research.
7) Ketu with Mercury combination is considered native is brainy, such a conjunction also gives the possibility of falling in love with someone. The native can affect with some chronic skin diseases which is unable to diagnosed in the long run.

8) If Rahu is with Mercury, some dark spots suddenly appear in the body these are not easily curable. However, natives may have seen that whatever decisions are taken in a hurry, the decisions may turn out to be wrong.
9) If Mars is conjuncts Mercury, and Mercury is weakened to the extent that conflicts are seen in the native's married life.
10) Sun and Mercury combination, if they exchanged houses with each other, have been seen doing less in accounts or clerical section in the native govt department.
11) Mercury and have conjunction with Ketu, you will not get good results in the field of education and career. Native's education will be in some one field and the job will be seen in some other field.
12) If Shukra is 11th from Mercury, then the native's younger brother's marriage is going to happen soon before the native's marriage.13) If Venus is with Mercury, and aspect by Moon or Jupiter, the wife of the person is very virtuous and religious. If aspect by any malefic planets like Rahu or Mars then the opposite result may also see in the native’s life.
14) If Mercury is placed somewhere before the Moon. Suppose, Moon is in the 9th house and Mercury is in the 7th house. Native, will not good in case of research fields, his research may not be completed in time or will not get success in his research field.

15) If Buddha is exalted, such a person becomes very knowledgeable. They have good knowledge in many fields. So, some people called him as "solution provider" means every solutions they have. But they are just like "jack of in all trades and master of none" it means they have knowledge in many fields, but they don’t have mastery in ay fields which is not good.
16) If Jupiter is in the 3rd, 6th house in the sign of Mercury, there is a lot of interest in knowing the native. They are very curious to know and apply the new things in their life.

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