
3rd House (Communication, Hard work)

3rd House is The House of Efforts
This house is all about courage with the ability to achieve success that’s why this house is called “Parakram Bhav”. It represents all types of communication the native undertakes including traveling. The house is also about the relationship with siblings, cousins, and neighbours. It belongs to the third sign of t
?he Zodiac, Gemini or Mithuna.

Younger siblings, competition, skills, daily round, short trips, sales, communication, journeys, brothers, sisters, creativity, mental intelligence, interests, habits, and inclinations, short journey, attraction, courage, power, hardworking, energetic and serious, neighbours.

Take an example: If the lord of the 10th or 6th houses have connection with the 3rd house, the native is likely to be a soldier or army officer. The third house stands for the “Bhratru sthana” that indicates the considerations of the native for their younger brother or sister. 

It is also called the “Sahaya Sthana” being in the 3rd house, the house should be considered in order to understand if the native will be assisted with others or if they are working hard individually. Short travels also can predict from third house. If it is well connected, the third house may make the native undertake short inland journeys such as traveling by bus, cars, tram, land transport, railway, crossing rivers and lakes and engaging in brief air travel. 3rd House is Communication and Hard Work.

Third house indicates change of residence, restlessness and want of peace, transition, change, movement, library, book store, bargain, signing contracts, signing, signature, carrying stories. It is also governed in the body parts like shoulder blade, collar bone, nervous system, arms, throat, hands, and the right ear. If the lord of the third house is a natural benefic posited in the second house in a female chart, the native may have jewellery on her ear, hands and neck.

3rd house signified: throat, lungs, breath
Karak of 3rd House: Mars


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