Introduction to Ardra Nakshatra
The term “Ardra” means “the power to achieve gains by working hard” Basically and Ardra nakshatra signify transformation and destruction. The nakshatra shows few unmet desires of the past life being carried forward to the present life and alive in our unconscious. Ardra nakshatra is a female gender of nakshatra and governed by Rahu.
Rudra is the deity of this nakshatra, the term “Rudra” means tearing drops in very very angry mood and ready to destroy all the things in it’s around. Simply Lord Shiva’s other name is Rudra, however, the natives born in this nakshatra have the destructive abilities like Lord Rudra and Lord Shiva. Those people born in this nakshatra have extremely emotions. Somehow sometimes they are either getting very happy or getting very angry. People born in this nakshatra do not have balanced emptions.
More so, the term “Ardra” means moisture or wet the native is very calm nature minded. So, the native is soft by nature, stable minded, strong by inside and outside, sacrifice a lot to do hard work to earn, and are prone to sickness.

Characteristics of Ardra Nakshatra
Ardra Nakshatra ranges from 6 degree 40’ to 20 degree in Gemini zodiac sign. Rahu is like Shani, and Rahu represents hard work, People are born in this nakshatra are very serious to do any work happily and completed it finally.
The native is very searching or investigating minded as well as hardworking by nature. Before starting any work, they set their target to achieve the goals. The native is very truthful, compassionate and have strong communication skills.
They have strong personality and attracted to others, good intuitive nature, a good psychologist can do read others mind.
The great thing is, the native born in this nakshatra always ready to do any kind of work happily whether it is easy or difficult.
They have good memory power. They could be good team player, ready to work in the risk. Their life will be changed between 32 and 42 years of age.
The female native of the Ardra Nakshatra is very well-mannered, shover, simple, she is intelligent and helpful nature, somehow, they feel very busy and sometimes may find fault in minor things. Some of them born in these nakshatra are turned to have parents but they have divorced many times which is not a good thing of this nakshatra.
Ardra Nakshatra Lord
Ardra Nakshatra deity is Rudra or Lord Shiva and nakshatra lord is Rahu and the nakshatra is water element and the nature of the nakshatra is “sharp” by nature.
Features of Ardra Nakshatra
- Symbol: Tear drops
- Ruling planet: Rahu
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Manushya
- Nakshatra Element: Water
- Guna: Rajas/Tamas/Sattva
- Presiding Deity: Rudra or Shiva
- Animal: Female Dog
- Indian Zodiac- 6° 40? to 20° in Mithuna Zodiac Sign
- Direction: West
Choosing a Name Begins with a Certain Letter can Bring Great Luck and Blessings to Those Born in Ardra Nakshatra.
- Nakshtra: Ardra
- Quarter 1: Name start with “Ku”
- Quarter 2: Name start with “Gha”
- Quarter 3: Name start with “Ng/Na”
- Quarter 4: Name start with “Chha”
Profession & Career Comes in Ardra Nakshatra
People born in this nakshatra have good memory power and acquire knowledge in a wide range. They can handle the situation very wisely in a typical moment. They respect the opinions of his co-workers and obey the seniors even when they do not agree with him. Due to Rahu is the lord of this nakshatra, they settle down for work away from home or settle down in foreign land. The native’s rise time will come between 32 and 42 years of age.
Ardra Nakshatra people are work do very well in the technical fields. The native is very innovative and have a good career in electrical, electronics fields. If the native will do B-Tech or BE in electronics or electricals will get a success easily.
They are also called the natural healers, and if Rahu placed in the 3rd 10th or 6th house, the native can do excellent in the medical field, and become good doctors, surgeons, physicians, physiotherapists, counsellors, etc.
Apart from that, they can also go for mental-disorder therapy, healing therapy, or become good hackers or have an expertise in magical work. They also make their career in the research fields like animal welfare, or zoology, or make a career in forestry, horticulture, do job in the catering or restaurant, or can provide service in catering.
Ardra Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1
The First Quarter of Ardra Nakshatra comes in 06° 40? to 10° 00’ Sagittarius Navamansa, which is governed by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are very helpful and calm nature. They are knowledgeable and wise and keep ongoing as well as consistent in their work. Whatever work they do, first the set the goals and work hard to achieve the goals.
Pada 2
The Second Quarter of this Nakshatra comes in 10° 00? to 13° 20? the Capricorn Navamansa and is governed by Saturn. People born in this pada are very materialistic. The native will achieve all types of materials happiness if Mercury and Saturn placed in the good house
Pada 3
The Third Quarter of the Ardra Nakshatra comes in 13° 20? to 16° 40? the Aquarius Navamansa and also ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada tend to have creative skills, work independently and the mental ability to absorb anything and everything. These people are always making ready to take the challenges.
Pada 4
The Fourth Quarter of the Ardra Nakshatra comes in 16° 40? to 20° 00? the Pisces Navamansa which is ruled by Jupiter. The people are born in this pada are love to donate anything to others. If Rahu placed with Jupiter in this pada or Rahu placed before Jupiter will always try apply shortcut method in the work.
Plant Worship for Ardra Nakshatra
If Ardra Nakshatra gives adverse results, to get well-being result from the this nakshatra, you can worship of “Red Sandalwood tree, Khadir tree” daily will be beneficial for you.
Ardra Nakshatra Mantra

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