
Buddha Aditya Raj Yog in Kundali

Buddha Aditya Raj Yoga in Horoscope.

Sun is the source of energy, stamina, power, recognition, gold, government job, and courage. Sun is power, administration, a ruler, a good administrator. Sun represents Father and Sun is Putrakarak planet.

Whereas Mercury, is the indicator of sister, speech, stamina, mental intellect, books, education, knowledge, and intelligence. Sun helps us to maintain our ego, self-respect, honour, and Mercury brings us the wisdom and consciousness to attain them.

Sun and Mercury’s moment is almost in near position to each other. Budh-Aditya yog can be seen in many kundli. The conjunction of Sun and Mercury in one of the houses in your birth chart forms Budhaditya Yoga. It does not matter in which sign the Yoga is formed, but the house in which it is formed matters. Budhaditya Yoga can bring you success, status, and finances. We will talk about the respective houses shortly.

In this yog, the natives bestowed with the qualities of the Sun and Mercury, such as intelligence, good communication, fame and power in the administrative field.

The conjunction of Sun and Mercury in one of the houses in your birth chart forms Budhaditya Yoga. It does not matter in which sign the Yoga is formed, but the house in which it is formed matters. Budhaditya Yoga can bring you success, status, and finances. We will talk about the respective houses shortly.

Take an example, suppose Sun and Mercury placed in 10th house and in that house, Sun is benefic and Mercury is malefic. In that case, Mercury will reduce the damage in that house.

Suppose, Mercury and Sun placed in the Libra or Pisces house. Here Budhaditya Yoga’s result the native will not get benefitted. Because Sun is debilitated in Libra sign and Mercury debilitated in Pisces sign.

Sometimes, if Saturn placed in Libra sign in the same house Sun and Mercury is also placed. Though Sun is debilitated here and Mercury is benefic so native will get good result from this house.


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