
Dhan Yoga

Dhan Yoga in Astrology

How is Dhan Yoga formed?

Mostly, there are five houses are responsible to create Dhan Yoga in the horoscope chart as per Vedic Astrology. These houses are namely the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th houses.

The question is, why these houses are responsible for Dhan Yoga and how these houses are help to form this yoga. Let’s come to know, the 2nd house is the house of wealth which is signify to your bank balance, money present in your wallet, daily running money come to your house. 5th and 9th house are the trine-houses or “Trikone” houses also called “Lakshami Sthan” when any planets whether it is benefic or malefic placed in the trine houses and all planets are will be provided wealth to the native during it’s dashas and antar-dashas. 1st house means the Lagna or Lagna means you. 11th house is the house of “Labh Bhav” or house of income and gain. If any planets placed in the 11th house will also give wealth and money in the native’s life.

If there is Dhan Yoga or any Raj Yoga present in the horoscope, then someone will enjoy it and spend a happy life, who is that person? that person is Lagna and Lagna means you, which signifies how will be your life. No matter how big Dhan Yoga or Raj Yoga is there in the horoscope, if Lagna is weak then these yogas or raj yogas all get nullified. So, Lagna should be strong which is mandatory in the horoscope.

Apart from these houses, planets like Jupiter, Moon and Venus also play a major role in helping you to gain wealth and material gains respectively. Because these planets are the significator or “Karak of Wealth”. There are many combinations of planets and houses also creates Dhan Yoga in the native’s kundali as per Maharishi Parashar said.

What Happened if Dhan Yoga Formed?

As Maharishi Parashar said, if you have “Dhan Yoga” in your horoscope chart, you don’t have never feel or shortage of wealth or money in your life. As per Vedic astrology, 2nd, 6th and 10th houses is called the “Arth Trikona” and 11th house is your source of income and gain. So, any planets placed in the 2nd-6th-10th money-triangle will give wealth definitely during it’s dasha and antar-dasha period. Dhan Yoga is formed when the 1st, 5th and 9th houses lords are conjunct with 2nd and 11 lord, or exchange their house. If the lord of 2nd house and lord of 11th house exchanged their houses also give a powerful Dhan Yoga. Clickhoro is the Best Astrology Website for Online Astrology Predictions .

Some Methods for Dhan Yogas

  • If the Lagna lord and 2nd lord are placed together or exchanged their house, a good Dhan Yoga will be created.
  • If the lord of 2nd house and the lord of 11th house are exchanged together, the native will be a crore-pati in the life, after the age of 30 years.
  • If the Lagna lord placed in 10th house, the native will multiply their wealth than their parents.
  • 2nd Lord and 9th Lord, if exchanged their houses will be created a good Dhan Yoga.
  • 2nd lord placed in the 5th, 9th, and 11th houses or placed with these houses’ lords or aspects by these houses lords, native will have multiple unending incomes.
  • 5th lord placed in the 9th or 11th houses or conjunct or aspects by with these house lords, then native will be very wealthy. Native will never see shortage of money in the life.
  • When 9th lord placed with 11th lord in the 11th house, or 11th lord aspects by 9th house, native will be rich in the life.
Dhan Yoga in Astrology

Which Planets are Responsible for Dhan Yoga?

Basically, Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus are the natural significator “Karak” of wealth and money. Let’s come to know there are some other methods are created Dhan Yogas.

  • If the planet Sun is placed in the 5th house, Jupiter, Moon and Mars placed in the 11th house. A powerful Dhan Yoga will be created.
  • If Moon is in 5th house in Cancer sign and 11th lord Saturn in the 11th house will be created a good Dhan yoga.
  • If Mars is placed in 5th house and Venus is in 11th in Libra or Taurus Sign, the native will be a millionaire. When Mercury placed in the 5th house and Jupiter, Moon and Mars placed in the 11th house, the native will be rich and wealthy business man.
  • When Jupiter is in 5th house and Mercury is in 11th house in Virgo or Gemini sign, the native will be very rich, they will have unending incomes from the multiple sources.
  • When Venus is in 5th in Taurus or Libra sign and Mars is placed in the Lagna, the native will be rich and have multiple houses, properties, and vehicles.
  • Saturn is in Capricorn or Aquarius sign in the 5th house and Sun and Moon placed in the 11th house together. The native could be an industrialist along with have big houses, big plants and a wide range of business.

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