Most of the people don’t know about sixteen directions what we have discussed already. Each directions have specific effects and every directions is also associated with one of the five elements.
What are those elements?
- Water
- Fire
- Earth
- Metal
- Wood
Let’s come to talk about these elements.
Water element governs three more directions in addition to North East.
Air element governs on the next three directions East North East, East and East South East.
Fire element governs the next direction is South East and in addition to South East, fire element controls South-South-East and South directions also.
Earth element governs the next two directions South-South-West and South-West.
Space element governs on the next direction in the sequence is West-South-West and West, West-North-West and North-West directions.
Similarly, water element governs on the North-North-West, North and North-North-East.
The major four direction is basically belong to the water element only.
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