
Gaj Kesari Raj Yog

How is Gaj Kesari Raj Yog Formed?

It is one of the very famous and influential Raj Yoga in the native’s horoscope. It is formed when Jupiter is positioned in the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house from the Moon also called the Kendra. The native will live like a elephant and lion with earns name, fame, fortune and wealth in the life.

Gajakesari Yoga is one of the most favorable yoga for a person caused by the planetary associating of Jupiter and the Moon. It is believed that it brings wisdom and also provide sharp intellectual abilities as well as immense prosperity in one’s life. The person with this yoga will be highly loved and respected by the people around him or in the society.

However, strong Jupiter in the native’s kundli means helps people and get attracted to different professions like management, administration, consultancy, law, astronomy, etc. As per Parashari Jyotishi, Gajkeshri Yog also operates native’s married life. If this yoga formed in 7th house, the native is believed to reap marital bliss and will be blessed with a good and spiritual wife with coming from strong family background.


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