
Hamsa Yoga in Astrology

Hamsa Mahapurush Yoga

Introduction to Hamsa Maha Raj Yoga

The position of the planet Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in kundli when Jupiter placed in 4th house or mool-trikon house in kendra bhav alone. Ensure that, any one of the Panch Mahapurush Raj Yogas will give best result the planet should not be afflicted with any malefic or not aspects by any malefic or enemy planet(s). This yoga is one of the Panch Mahapurush Raj Yog and Jupiter is the most beneficial planet called a great fortune. When Hansa Yoga formed the native makes spiritual, intelligent, wealthy, get a long life and live with a respectful life. The Most Powerful Raja Yoga.

When Hamsa Yoga Formed?

When Jupiter formed this yoga in the horoscope, it will protect the native from hundreds of negative effects as well. This yoga is formed by Jupiter in its own signs like Sagittarius, Pisces, or in exalted sign Cancer with one of the Kendra houses from Ascendant like 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses.

The native is born with this Hamsa Maha Raj Yoga is believed to have a long lifespan, at least of 90+ years and above. However, the native is bestowed with a range of positive attributes and unique qualities make them famous as well as a public icon, for their righteous disposition and respected stature to their enjoyment of highly delicious fine dining and empathy for water related activities. The native may lead their life in a different way from others and fulfilling meaning of life.

Even if, Jupiter is placed in Gemini, and Virgo signs also give good result, because Jupiter is a functional benefic planet. If Jupiter’s placement will be in between 5.00’ to 25.00’ degree it will make a powerful yoga. Jupiter should not be afflicted by the lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house otherwise good effects will be reduced of this Maha Raj Yoga.

Benefits of Hamsa Maha Raj Yoga

  • It provides, blissful married life, obedient children, and higher education and achieve high respect in the society and abundance.
  • The native will be very righteous and moral by nature.
  • You will be very ambitious from inside and humble from outside, very knowledgeable and respect to elders.
  • The native always taken interest in learning and improving their knowledge.
  • Good high skilled education and have excellent intellectual skills.
  • Enjoy delicious foods.
  • Good knowledge in spiritual and religious things.
  • The native will have many properties, wealthy and maintained a luxury life.
  • Obey and respect his own religions.
  • Get well respect in the society, people addressed the native as a leader.
  • The native will be blessed with long live.

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