Herbal Remedies for Sun

Herbal Remedies for weak Sun Planet.

What to Do for a Weak Sun

A weak Sun can cause health issues like joint pain, bone related issues, blindness, weak eyesight, low energy levels and lack of self-confidence. Not favour by senior or boss. Problem in jobs and government work related issues. In this situation you can add these herbal items into to your regular diet and these herbs are also help to enhance the sun's energy in your kundli effectively.

Sun is very important planet in our life. It gives name, fame and prestige in the society, also makes the native as an administrative icon in the public. If Sun is weak then many diseases raised in the body like joint pain, lack of Vitamin D, D3 and calcium, night blindness, weak eyesight, disfavour from seniors, disrespect in the society. Take a Arkh(Calotropis procera) plant root in a red color cloth and tie up in your hand, waist, or arm or keep it in your pocket. Remedy can be done in any auspicious day of “Ravi Pushya Yog”, “Guru Pushya Yog” or any auspicious moments.

Herbals: Beal, Red Sandal, Ginger, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Calotropis (Aak), Rosemay, Black Pepper, Bayberry, Calamus.


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