Herbal Remedies of Rahu

Herbal Remedies Tips of the weak Rahu.

Significance of Rahu

The best herbs for weak Rahu in your chart are Bayberry, Eucalyptus, and Camphor. Moreover, scenting plants like Lotus and Sandalwood are also recommendable for Rahu. If Rahu is negative or not good in your kundli, respect your in-laws, patients and grandparents. Do not consume alcohol and non-veg food, keep a black dog at your home. Worship mother Durga, Lord Bhairav and recite Durga Chalisa.

Herbal Remedies for Rahu

Durva (Cynadon dactylon) is the best remedy for Rahu. If Rahu is weak or giving negative results in your kundli, you can tie Durva plant root in a blue cloth tie up in your hand in the evening, waist, or arm or keep it in your pocket. This remedy you can do in any auspicious day.

Herbals: Eucalyptus, Camphor, Durva, Coconut, Basil, Sandalwood


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