
How is the Horoscope of Billionaire People

How is the Horoscope of Billionaire People?

Many of you must be aware that if the 2nd lord conjuncts and 11 lord conjuncts in won house or exchanged each other, or the 2nd lord conjuncts with centre lord (Kendradhi Pati) or trine lord(Konadhi Pati), or even Parivartan Yoga, then may be the billionaire becomes a yoga. Best Astrologer in Delhi.

But you may not have heard that there are some planets which if placed in the 6th house can make the native a billionaire. Horoscope in 2, 6,10 is the money triangle house in the horoscope. Whereas the 6th House is a house of Money Triangle. It is not necessary, if every person has one or more planets in the 6th house in his horoscope, then he will become a billionaire.

First let's talk about the 11th House, this is the house of income or Aya Bhav. Here, any planet gives good results, Jupiter is the Karak of the 11th house, if Saturn there, makes the native rich in the family of ancestors, if Venus is there, then the native may maintain luxurious cars, bungalows and clothes as well as maintain cheerful life. if Rahu is in 11th, earn more from the stock market, and get ideas to earn money from short cuts.

If the native's friendly planet is sitting in the 11th house, then the income of the native increases, and if there is an enemy planet, the result is not the result that should be obtained, sometimes it has also been seen that if there is an enemy planet in the 11th house, then the person can always be on the verge of poverty, there is always a shortage of money in the life. If the lord of 6,8,12 houses is in the 11th house, even then the person may lacks of money and income, remains immersed in debt.

Sometimes you must have seen that in the horoscope of some people, even if the 2nd Lord and 11th Lord are in their house or there is a good placement, then the native has to be covered for money. Why does this happen? because the placement and position of the planets also does matter. If you look at the horoscope of a beggar who is begging, there are many Raja Yogas are seen in his horoscope, yet all those Raja Yogas go wrong, this is the reason for this. It is not necessary that there are many Raj Yogas in the horoscope, so all those yogas will give 100% results. It is important to see in which constellation the planet(s) are sitting in the 11th house, according to the constellation, the planets give their results.


Jupiter gets exalted in the 4th house and that is in the house of Mars, here Jupiter gives Bhumi, Bhavan, Bahan to the native in their life. The 7th aspect of Guru is on the Sun which increases the value, name, fame of the native, the 9th aspect goes to the house of wealth and sees the Moon there. Ketu Rahu is also in a good position and looking at the 11th house. This person has millions of followers, and he has some name and fame in society.

This is also a Capricorn horoscope, in which Veerpreet Raj Yoga is being formed. This guy is a billionaire, let's see why, Chandra is in the 2nd house who is high but is placed with Saturn which is not good but still Moon will not reduce his result here because he is with rich husband.


This is the horoscope of another billionaire, who everyone must have heard his name. Let's see what is so special in their horoscope, Maharishi Parashar said, that when the Moon is exalted, that gives a lot of wealth which is not accounted for.

Sun is sitting in exalted position in the 6th house with Mercury and created Buda-Aditya yoga. Guru sits in 10th, the place of karma and looks at the Sun from his 9th aspect, the native is very famous and very well known in the world. And then in the 7th Lord in 6th, whereas, 6th Lord in 7th which is created a Parivartan Yoga it is one of the biggest Raj Yogas.

Even though it is cooperative, both of the planets are given good results. Such a person has multiple sources of income, a billionaire and knowing as a well-known rich person all over the world. This is Mukesh Ambani's horoscope. Now you must have understood how important this person is. Let’s go to analyse for another kundli.


In the horoscope, Dhanadhi Pati (Second Lord) 2nd Lord who is Mercury is also the 11th Lord. Sat is in the Money Triangle in his own house in 6th, Jupiter's 5th aspect is in the 11th house and looking at the Sun who is the Lagnadhi Pati (Lagna Lord). That’s why, this person has name and fame spreads all over the world.

Jupiter, along with Moon are sitting in the centre by making Gaja Keshri Yoga. The person is a billionaire, along with this, the person is intelligent, has good knowledge along with good personality. 9th Lord Mars is placed in his house, then what else to say, the person is also very fortunate. This horoscope belongs to Gautam Adani ji, what a beautiful horoscope, if you look at his personality, it shows something like serious nature, the reason goes on the 7th aspects of Jupiter to the Lagna, which makes the native serious and responsible.

So, friends, first of all, we have to see these two things:

  • First, How is the Lagna Lord (Lagnadhi Pati), and
  • Second, the 9th Lord (Bhagyadhi Pati)

and their position, placement and degree need to have analyse first. If they are placed in the weak position, then no matter how many Raja Yogas are formed in Kundli you have, you do not get good results.


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