

Nature of the Jupiter

Jupiter means the life, oxygen, pran, wisdom, fortune, success.   In Brihat Parashar, Jupiter is the “Guru”, “Brihaspati” and “Devaguru”. In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter has the prime importance due to it’s 3 aspects such as 5th, 7th and 9th aspects. Jupiter’s 3 aspects are very beneficial in the kundli, where it is placed in kundli no matter. Jupiter is the brahmin by nature provides wisdom and it is a fiery, noble, fruitful, benevolent, masculine, optimistic, expansive, jovial, positive and dignified planet. Jupiter is generous and very honest. 

Jupiter is a great fortune, wealth, fame, luck, morality, meditation, mantra, male children, spirituality, ministers, devotion and faith, lawyers, government leaders and religion, priest in a temple, holly books, Vedas and dharma granths or holy books. Jupiter is wisdom and shows sacred scriptures.

Jupiter is The Great Fortune

Jupiter represents a husband in a female’s horoscope, a male planet. It is the lord of two houses such as 9th house (Sagittarius) and 12th (Pisces) houses lord in kalpurush kundli. It provides good result in Kendra or Trikona houses in native’s horoscope. It is the nature of Kapha karaka. It gets exalted in 4th house in “Cancer” sign with 5 degrees whereas debilitated in 10th house in “Capricorn” sign with 5 degrees. 

Jupiter represents Thursday and the yellow colour. It is the Karaka of 2nd, 5th and 9th and 11th houses. The Sun, Mars and Moon are his friends, whereas Mercury and Venus are enemies to him. Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are neutrals to him. 

Jupiter provides good results if placed in houses 1st, 5th, 9th, 11th, somehow it is alsogood in 7th 8th,12th houses. But Jupiter is powerless in trik houses 6th, 8th and 12th, 10th houses are the bad houses for him. 

Jupiter Creates Panch Mahapurush Rajyog

Jupiter is the significator of Hansa Yoga which is one of the best Panch Mahapurush Raj Yog. In this yoga, native will be blessed everything like wisdom, wife, children, property, money, happiness in life with a great wisdom. Jupiter placed in the centre and does not sit with any malefic or not aspected by any malefic planets and not in debilitated then it will give 100% results of this yoga. Sagittarius is the Mooltrikon rashi for Jupiter and debilitated in Capricorn sign.

The native born in Hansa Yoga makes the person handsome and broad forehead, respect the seniors, gurus, helping minded, warm-hearted, wealthy, and long lived. It makes the native extreme charitable bent of mind.

Significator of the Wealth and Spirituality

Since Jupiter is the significator of the wealth and spirituality, the native will develop by rises and bounds in the segment pertaining to the banking, finance, insurance, revenue, accounts, education, NGO and spirituality, etc.

Importance of Jupiter

It represents a husband in a female horoscope. Already I told you as above, Jupiter has three aspects from its position. Jupiter’s drishties called “Amrit Drishti” which are given fortune and prosperity in the native’s life. Jupiter gives bad results when Venus or Mercury placed in the 10th house of a horoscope. 

When Jupiter Gives Malefic Results

However, Jupiter never gives bad results if placed alone in any house. A malefic Jupiter affects the Ketu which is called as Putra Karak adversely. Jupiter offers malefic results if it is placed before Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in a horoscope.

Saturn never gives malefic effects if placed in houses of Jupiter such as 2nd, 5th, 9th or 12th houses, whereas Jupiter provides bad results if placed in the house of Saturn.

Jupiter Mahadasha

The Jupiter or Guru Mahadasha runs for a period of 16 years. If it is beneficial in the horoscope if it is placed in good house and beneficial. It provides good luck, name, fame, fortune, wealthy and wisdom in the native’s life. Jupiter Mahadasha is a very easy going and smooth life if it is favourable in the kundli. Property and wealth buildup is one of the great benefits to the native, during the Mahadasha, if it is malefic then, all benefits can go away false and the native will be like a miser and have a miserable life. 


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