Jupiter is one the most beneficial planet as per Vedic Astrology. If Jupiter placed in the 1st house in own sign like Sagittarius or Pisces or in any friendly sign it will create a “Panch Maha Pursh Raj Yoga” called “Hamsa Yoga”. Jupiter in the 1st house, means your past karmas was better, in this life you will enjoy the all types of material happiness. Because Jupiter in first house protects the native from thousands of negativities and bad incidents in the life. The native will be benevolent, educated, and rich. The native will be highly qualified, very keen towards studies and born with in-built wisdom. Native will be healthy and victory over enemies in all aspects. In Lord Shri Ram’s birth chart Jupiter also placed in the first house and created Hamsa Yoga. So, that’s why Lord Shri Ram is a very calm and had forgiven nature. Jupiter in 1st House Career.
When Jupiter is in the ascendant, the native takes great care of his self-respect. He did not speak much unnecessarily, always give respect their elders, teachers and parents. That's why everyone likes such people. Such people are getting famous and well respected in this earth. The native is straight forward, religious nature, and having faith in god.
While Jupiter placed in the 1st house it’s 7th aspects goes to the 7th house. If there is no any planets in the seventh house, then it will brings prosperity in the native’s life after marriage. The native should not get marry and not to construct a new house to leave in between the age of 24th or 27th year. Unless Jupiter will give malefic effects of the longevity for the native’s father.
If Jupiter in 1st house and Saturn in the 9th house causes the health problems for the native. Whereas, if Jupiter in the first house and Rahu placed in the 8th house, causes the death of the native’s father because due to heart attack or chronic asthma.
What Saravali Said: If Jupiter placed in the 1st house, the native will have fair complexion, big eyes, attractive personality, powerful voice, very energetic, courageous, and well respected in the society.
What Phala Deepika Said: Jupiter in the ascendant means, the native will be very concerned, more hairs on head, handsome and impressive personality like a deity, virtuous, long-lived as well as faithful, courageous. The native will be blessed by the grace of god in all aspects. Nature always protects them from bad incidence and negativities throughout the life.

When Jupiter is Benefic in First House
A positive Jupiter in 1st house gives you profound mental strength, self-confidence, upright attitude, spiritual inclinations, and a charming personality. You will be kind-hearted and compassionate towards others. The Zodiac sign, exact degree, conjunction and influences of other planets with the Jupiter also vary the results.
When Jupiter is Malefic in First House
A negative or malefic Jupiter may make you indulge in activities that may unintentionally hurt others. It may also make you amplify your actions or help others unnecessarily, that may draw you a bad name. A negative Jupiter also affects the native’s health and marriage life.
Remedies for First House Jupiter
- Offer the things related to the planets of Mercury, Venus and Saturn to the religious places.
- Feed and serve the cows as much as possible.
- If Saturun is placed in the 5th house, dont build a house from the scratch. Better, you can buy a readymade house like flats, villas instead of that.
- If Saturn is placed in the 9th house, don’t buy any machinery items associated with the Saturn.
- If Saturn is placed in 11th or 12th house, strictly avoid use wine, non-veg items like meat, chicken and eggs strictly.
- Don’t tell lie, don’t tell abuse words to anyone else unless Mercury will get malefic in the native’s kundli.
Mercury: green color fruits, green color clothes, elephant tusk, religious books.
Venus: ghee, sugar, diamond stone, camphor, white clothes, scented white color flowers, cows.
Saturn: mustard oil, sesame oil, whole udad dal, black sesame, havan kund made in iron plates, blue color flowers.
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