Second house is the house of Venus as per “Kalpurush Kundli”. Jupiter is also the significator of this house. So, the results of this house will come from Jupiter and Venus. Venus and Jupiter both are benefic planets but they are inimical and opposite to each other. Hence both will affect each other adversely as per the aspects and position. The native will take interest to eat various types of delicious foods, will keep money saving silently, if the native could be a gold or jewellery trader, then the things of Venus like wife, wealth and property will get destroyed. So, second house Jupiter people should avoid these types of business. Basically, Jupiter is this position is not so good for the native, it may give financial fluctuations time to time in the native’s life.
If the native’s wife stays with the native in his house, the native will be respected in the society, wealth will be increased. But native’s wife and any of the family members will be suffering from the diseases or may be created a hurdle due to also other problems. The native will gain immediate money may be by the lottery, share market or sale of property. This will be more fruitful result will come if the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses are auspicious and the Saturn is not placed in the 10th house. As per Maharishi Parashar, Jupiter brings good locks and fortunes in terms of money and wealth in the native’s life. If it is aspects by Mars, Moon, and the Sun it will gives all types material happiness during the life. If Jupiter is aspects by any malefic planet like Rahu, Saturn misfortune, loss of wealth and money, conflict in the family and relatives can be seen.

When Jupiter is Benefic in Second House
A positive or benefic Jupiter in the second house, makes you optimistic, gain higher education, it’s 9th aspects to the 10th house, takes the native to a great height during the career. The native will be in a leadership position. Financial condition will be great. The native will be less talkative, very impressed and sweet speech. A benefic Jupiter blesses the native with name, fame, wealth from many sources.
When Jupiter is Malefic in Second House
A malefic or negative Jupiter in the second house, causes of health complications due to uncontrol of eating junk foods, unnatural foods, high cholesterol, always taken interest to spend a luxury and comforts life but it may or may not full fil their dreams in the life. Sometimes there remains a regret, that I have not done anything in my life. Always keen to earn money whether it is in a wrong or right way.
Remedies for Second House Jupiter
- Always donate from your income in charity or temples when it is possible for you.
- Donate yellow color sweets, flowers, fruits, clothes in the temple your Jupiter will give positive result.
- Don’t offer milk to any snakes in the life.
- Try to avoid for staying in t-point on road houses. Fill up the pits on the road in front of your house where you are staying.
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