Third house is the house of Mercury, the house of communication, this house belongs to Mercury and Mars. Here Jupiter give Mercury’s result. Third house is the house of efforts, the native will add more efforts in study and learning. Jupiter’s 7th aspects will go to 9th house and 9th house is the house of fortune or luck house called “Bhagya Bhav”. Though Jupiter is the significator of the “Bhagya” or luck the native will be very fortunate in the life and receives continuous income from the government during the life.
If Saturn placed in the 9th makes the native long lived, if it is placed in the 2nd house the native becomes extremely clever and crafty by nature. Moreover, if the Saturn is in the 4th house indicates that the native will be robbed or cheated money and wealth by his friends. Friends are will not be loyal towards the native. If Jupiter placed or aspects by any malefic planets, the native get destroyed wealth and becomes a liability on his closer ones. 3rd house Jupiter gives you good social connections and success in the life. You will like to spend time with friends and family. The native should be a good advisor, counsellor, motivator, and a very positive person in over-all.
When Jupiter is Benefic in Third House
A positive Jupiter in the third house gives you a positive hope, wisdom, success, fortune, makes you cultured, religious, sincere, and polite by nature. There is a passion in life, the urge to struggle. It brings gains through knowledge and education, you could be an excellent preacher, excellent verbal and writing communication skills, a famous poet, if Mercury is placed in the favourable sign. Jupiter will also be influenced if any other planets aspect or conjuncts with it and result will also be seen as per the exact degree, and conjunction.

When Jupiter is Malefic in Third House
A negative Jupiter in the third house created lack of focus, inability in the skills, forgetting the goals, not able to handle the situations. Sometimes a malefic Jupiter makes the native very talkative for which people feel very boring, they will like more to talk in the friends and relatives. Waste of energy and come out from the track without achieve the goals. Third house Jupiter, can disrupt the knowledge of acquisition, intelligence, higher education, and activate the various health problems.
Remedies for Third House Jupiter
- 3rd House Jupiter if malefic, worship of Goddess Durga and do pujas with “Shodashopchar Puja” such as dhoop, lamp, naivediya, camphor, flowers and “Aarti” also do “Kanya Pujan” by offering sweets, fruits, dakshina to small girls and obtaining their blessing by touching their feet native will be fortunate.
- Always support your siblings and cousins in their problems.
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