
Ketu Mahadasha

Ketu Mahadasha Time Period

Ketu Mahadasha Effects

Ketu is the malefic planet. Because it is placed always in front of Rahu that’s why it is considered a malefic. The Ketu Mahadasha is supposed to be generally a negative period for native as it would be a very much difficult period. Rahu and Ketu both have no any specific house. They will give the result as per their placement, position, and conjunction of the planets. Ketu gives best result in 9th house. or Jupiter’s house.

Positive & Negative Effects of Ketu

If Ketu is favourably placed the native will be blessed everything by Ketu like Jupiter in the life. Ketu is called the Karak of the increase of generation. Favourable Ketu gives comforts and luxuries, good luck and freedom from disease. But if Ketu is debilitated or ill-placed one may suffer arthritis, joint pain of body mental anguish, accidents, wounds, and fever etc, problem in birth of male child. Ketu gives sudden results whether it is positive or negative. It provides sudden accidents, explosion, robbery from the house. If Ketu is positive in the horoscope chart the native will be a pious nature, respect religions and follow up the rituals. Ketu Mahadasha Effects and Remedies.

Whereas Ketu is not well placed, the malefic result will be very worse during the 7 years of Ketu Mahadasha. It ruled on Ashwini, Magha, Mula nakshatras. Ketu gives sudden effects than other planets, In Ketu Mahadasha, the native moves from top to bottom suddenly, fall from status, promotion to demotion may give and the situation may seem to be worse which you can’t imagine.

Ketu Mahadasha would require much of tough efforts and hard work from the native it will not give favourable results in the dasha period. On the other hand the native could take interest towards evil and immoral path. The negative impacts of Ketu Mahadasha may be fear from thieves, enemies, poison, blasts, increasing foes and obstacles in study period, sudden accidents, unworthy traveling and losses in business. Ketu Mahadasha period, is a time period of unhappiness and miseries to which the native can’t forget through the life.

Mahadasha Period: 7 Years
Ruled on Nakshatras: Ashwini, Magha, Mula

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