
Know How Was Your Past Life

Past life astrology: use your birth chart, know which charts shows past life astrology.

In this article you will know, about how do you know your past life’s karmas. Let’s discuss on it by details.

What is Karma?

“Karma” means what you do whether it is present or life. Your Karma is closely tied with you in your life when you lead in your subsequent lifecycles.

There are two types of “Karma” termed as “Good Karma” or “Bad Karma” both are will come back in your subsequent life in various forms. The reason is that is come back in your lives is not just to punish you but also make you understand and appreciate things from another perspective. If you did good karma in the past life, you will get that karma’s result in better way means you will achieve all types of names, fame, fortune, and material achievement in your present life. However, if you had “Bad Karmas” in the past life, you will must punish as you did in the past life.

Karma is the memory of our souls, you know? which means it's often long-standing, even stopped from prior lives. Certainly, the course of our current life is mostly pre-determined by our karma in previous lifetimes, what we did not finished then, we come back to finish now. Finally, it is also said, the purpose of reincarnation.

So, let’s go to know how was your past Karmas as per Astrology.

1) If Venus placed in 1st house or 7th house, means you were a luxurious landlord and minister type person in your past life. You will also get auspicious results from Venus in the present life. Because, Venus is a benefic planet and gives very good result in “Kendra Bhav”.

2) Similarly, if Saturn placed in the 1st,4th,7th, and 11th house, it means your birth were in a big joint and rich family. But your karma was not good. In past, you have not given importance to your relationships, be it wife or mother or father may be brother. That’s why you come to finish this work in the present life. Saturn in these houses is not good and not giving any auspicious results to the native. Native’s life will be full of struggle to achieve material happiness in the life.

3) If four planets in exalted in your kundli in the present birth. Let’s say Saturn in Libra sign, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Pisces sign. It means your karmas were excellent and you had a good administrative skill, a king type soul, helpful nature, a good ruler. So, you will also be blissful as same like your past life.

4) If Sun is placed in 7th sign in these “Trik Bhav” 6th, 8th, 12th houses. That means, if the native was born in Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio Lagna’s Sun will be in these houses with debilitated condition. So, if Sun placed in these houses, means you were a very angry man, people were very unhappy with you due to your rough behaviour whether in your house, works or relatives and friend’s circle. you tortured people in many ways.

5) More so, if Mars placed in the 6th, 7th and 10th house means, you were also an angry man and very impatient, unable to understand the situation, always think I am the right. Very short temper by nature with rough words using when you speak and people were not happy with you and your behaviour. So, definitely this nature will be reflected in the present life also. Because you bring it with you when you birth.

6) Jupiter placed in 1st house or aspects to Lagna means you had good karmas in the past life. It represents you were a very wise and knowledgeable person, good soul, people were respected you, your words are worthful in every aspect. Same things you will get in the present life also if your present karma would be like Jupiter.

7) If Rahu placed in 7th house of the current chart, it means you had untimely death, may be someone murdered you, or given poison, or death by snake bite. It does not mean your death will be same like past birth. But that depends on the other planets position, aspect, and your present Karmas.

8) If Mercury in 1st house, you were a reputed good business man, but your life was always sorrowful. You did not share your sorrow with anyone and people did not understand your feelings, you thoughts.

9) If Jupiter or Guru placed in 5th or 9th house and Venus aspects Guru, means you were a “Ved Pathi Brahmin”, you have a deep knowledge in all Vedas, a very intelligent and wise person. So, no doubt your soul will be like Jupiter in the present birth.

10) If Jupiter in 5th, Sun in 11th and Venus 12th house, that means the person was a “Dharmatma”, a sacred soul or “Punyatma” with good “Sanskar” in the past life.

11) If four planets get debilitated in the Kundli in the present birth chart, means you had a untimely death, nobody murdered you nor given poison, no accident. But you have finished your own life means you did suicide and that is your past Karma. If you will do good karmas in the present life, then situation will be better. We have mentioned some remedies to clear your “Bad Karmas” in the following.

How do I Clear my Past Life Karma?

a) Do Havan, whether it is small or big do it frequently. Havan should be dedicated to the Lord Vishnu will be beneficial for you.

b) Read “Bhagavad Geeta” on daily basis at your home. By reading Bhagavad Gita, people can get rid of their past bad karmas, Lord Krishna also said himself.

c) Recite “Gayatri Mantra” daily at least 108 times on regular basis. Remember, Gayatri Mantra is very powerful and auspicious you will get it’s results in the long run.

d)Often visit Haridwar or Banaras bathe in the Ganga River.

e) Recite “Ram” or “Jai Shree Ram” on regular basis, there is no big mantras or yantras than “Ram” name. Try to do it on regular basis.


Remember, your sins can be cleared only when you worship Lord Vishnu or any Vishnu Avatar nothing else. Often you have noticed, that after death, people take the dead body to the cremation ground by chanting “Ram Naam Satya Hai” nothing else.


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