About Mother Kushmanda
Kushmanda is one of the fourth Navadurga who created the world with her divine laughter. Followers of the “Kaulachar” tradition consider her to be the fourth form among the Navadurga forms of Mahadevi. Benefits of Worshipping Mahadevi Kushmanda Mother Kushmanda is worshiped on the fourth day of the festival of Navratri and is believed to improve health and bestow wealth and strength.
The Form of Mother Kushmanda
Goddess Kushmanda has eight hands and hence she is also known as Ashtabhuja Devi. It is believed that all the power to provide siddhis and wealth resides in his chanting rosary. It is said that he created the entire universe with his slightest smile, which is called Brahmanda in Sanskrit. They also like "Bali Daan", a sacrifice of a white pumpkin known as Kushmanda to the Mother Goddess. Because of his connection with Brahmanda and Kushmanda. Kushmanda is depicted with eight to ten hands holding a trident, chakra, sword, goad, mace, bow, arrows and two pitchers of nectar and blood. One of her hands is always in Abhayamudra with which she blesses all her devotees. Lion is her Vahan or vehicle.
Mahadevi Kushmanda and the Sun
The Sun gives life to the world and Goddess Kushmanda is the power of the Sun itself and is the source of all energy when she resides in the core of the Sun God. Its purpose was to create balance in the universe and provide life to all living beings from the sun's rays.
Her power gives Surya the ability to give life to all, because he is Shakti himself.
Once after the defeat of Jatukasura, two asuras named Mali and Sumali, sons of the great asura warrior Sukesh, were performing a great penance to impress Lord Shiva and seek blessings from him. The penance he was performing was so intense that his body started glowing due to the positive ions emanating from his body. Suryadev started getting worried and curious after seeing the increasing brightness on the earth. Suryadev once decided to go to earth and see the shining objects. According to the law of nature, the celestial body remains in its place until cannot leave unless they change their nature. Surya Dev was so curious that he left his place in the solar system and went to Earth to see the shining objects. This caused damage to the entire universe. By ignoring everything, Suryadev went closer to the two brothers. The two brothers, engrossed in meditation, were unaware that the sun was coming closer to them. As soon as the sun came near, both the brothers burnt to ashes. Shiva came to know about this and became angry at Sun God.
He threw his trident towards Suryadev, due to which he became inactive. As a result, the entire world and solar system went into darkness. The darkness was so terrible that no one could see the universe with the naked eye. Also, it caused loss of gravity and celestial bodies faced imbalance. Seeing Suryadev lying and getting unconscious, Maharishi Kashyap, the father of the gods, started crying.
Why Sage Kashyap Cursed Shiva?
Sage Kashyap cursed Shiva as if he had killed his son; One day he will kill his son also. Shiva went to Parvati and requested her for help in correcting his mistake. They made her realize that she is the source of all energies, she is the mother of the universe.
Parvati went to the place in the universe where the Sun God was located. Out of her fierceness she created a spherical body full of fire and light, which is now known as Surya. As soon as Parvati came out of that ball of fire; She blossomed like the eternal beauty of the universe. Shiva asked both Sukesh and Rishi Kashyap to approach Goddess Parvati to get a solution to this situation. To revive Suryadev, Sage Kashyap went to Goddess Parvati along with Goddess Aditi. Goddess Parvati went to the kitchen and brought two utensils. Goddess Parvati asked both to fill a pitcher with their blood. Rishi Kashyap with his power he filled the pitcher with the blood of both their bodies. Then the second pitcher automatically filled with nectar.
When Suryadev Requested Goddess Kushmanda to Sit in Suryasana in Surya Lok
Parvati asked sage Kashyap to pour the sacred blood and nectar into the mouth of the Sun God. Sage Kashyap in return said that he would have a child who would be the greatest and best god in the entire universe. Sukesh and his wife Devvati also took the ashes of Mali and Sumali to Goddess Parvati. Goddess Parvati gave Devvati an egg in her womb. The children who were born later from the egg were demons. However, Parvati was named Kushmanda for her good deeds. Where Kushma means demonic, Ushma means heat, and Anda means egg-like round structure. Later, Suryadev requested Goddess Kushmanda to sit in Suryasana in Surya Lok.
Mahadevi Devi Kushmanda has the Power of Core of the Sun
Kushmanda has the power and strength to reside in the core of the Sun. Its brightness gives the sun its brightness. He asked Sun God to give instructions.

Kushmanda and Anahata Chakra
She is famous as Goddess Kushmanda and her residence is in the Anahata Chakra of the body. The Anahata Chakra, also called the Heart Chakra, is the fourth of the seven energy centers of the body, and is located in the center of the chest.
सुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च।
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्मांडा शुभदास्तु मे॥
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