
Magha Nakshatra

Know About Magha Nakshatra in Details

Introduction to Magha Nakshatra

Magha Nakshatra is one of the “Gandmool Nakshatra”. There are 27 nakshatras out of 6 nakshatras are come into Gandamool Nakshatra which is ruled by Rahu and Ketu. Whereas Magha Nakshatra is also ruled by the Ketu. This nakshatra constellation is looks like a throne room or palanquin. The ruling deity of this nakshatra is “Pitrus or Ancestors” as per Vedic Astrology. The gender of this star is female. People born in this Nakshatra are usually very kind-hearted and have a sense of humour and good intuition. Though Ketu is the ruling planet of this nakshatra, they respect elders, seniors and old family members and usually try to follow customs and traditions with respect and love. The native will also be blessed with Ketu and Jupiter.

People born in this nakshatra are very straight forward, they do not like cunning crooked people. Time to time they also help and donate to the needy in their around. If Ketu and Jupiter in well placed of the Kundli, the native may even gain celebrity status through this pursuit.

Characteristics of Magha Nakshatra

The native of this Magha Nakshatra has interest towards enterprising nature, thoughtful interaction, and righteousness. They don’t like those people who are hinder their work and actions that’s why some enemies created for the same reason.

They always try to maintain a cordial relation in family, societies and Kutumb. out of respect than for the sake of it. Their empathy and strong intuition make them excellent researchers. The native also be a pious nature and this will help them to grow up ahead, because Ketu likes the religious people. Generally, people born in this nakshatra especially males are they have short height with a hairy body means maximum hair found in the body. The native also have rounded neck. Females are attractive and will have lovely tresses and long hair.

  • Symbol: Royal throne
  • Ruling planet: Ketu
  • Gender: Female
  • Gana: Rakshasa
  • Guna: Tamas/Rajas/Rajas
  • Presiding Deity: Pitrus or Ancestors
  • Animal- Male Rat
  • Indian Zodiac- 0° to 13°20' Leo Zodiac Sign
  • Direction: East, South, North-West and South-West
  • Nakshatra Element: Water

Magha Nakshatra Lord

The ruling deity of Magha Nakshatra is “Pitrus or the Ancestors”. It is believed that people born under this nakshatra have a strong connection with their ancestors and they may receive blessings from their ancestors. However, Ketu is the ruling planet of this nakshatra. Ketu is the Karaka of “Vansh Vridhi”. Pitru Dosha is formed when the Sun or the Moon is in conjunction or aspect with Rahu and Ketu in your birth chart. Ketu signified grand parents and Ketu is the Karaka of the son. When Ketu is afflicted then male child born in the native’s chart creates a problem.

The nakshatra is located in the range of 00°00? to 13°20' degrees in the Leo sign.

Magha Nakshatra Padas


The First Quarter of the Magha Nakshatra comes in 00°00' to 03°20' of the Aries Navamansa which is ruled by Mars. People born in this quarter are very dynamic by nature and energetic and achieve well respect, name, fame in personal and professional life. They can do well in jobs instead of business. Due to their hardworking and dedicated nature they may achieve more wealth and happy life than others.


The Second Quarter of the Magha Nakshatra comes in 03°20' to 06°40' of the Taurus Zodiac sign Navamansa which is ruled by Venus. The native will be attractive towards opposite sex and interest to accumulate wealth and money. But their desire will be fulfilled by late and that must be they gained in the later stage of the life.


The Third Quarter of the Magha Nakshatra comes in 06°40' to 10°00' of the Gemini Navamansa that is ruled by Mercury. The native will have good communication skills, highly intelligent, learning capability throughout the life. They are highly educated and achieve higher degrees in abroad also. They will do good in their profession related to the high level of intellectual work, communication, advertising, media studies.


The Fourth Quarter of the Magha Nakshatra comes in 10°00' to 13°20' of the Cancer Navamansa which is ruled by the Moon. The native will be emotional and sensitive nature. they gets more motivated toward their own interests, family etc. The native will give the priority to their family and family members.

New Name Can be Suggested for People Born in Magha Nakshatra Start with Following Letter would Very Fortunate and Auspicious for Their Life:

  • Nakshatra: Magha
  • Quarter 1: Name start with “Ma”
  • Quarter 2: Name start with “Mi”
  • Quarter 3: Name start with “Mu”
  • Quarter 4: Name start with “Me”

Profession Comes in Magha Nakshatra

The native born in the Magha Nakshatra will get success in job or business after the 27 years old. The native is also very hardworking and dedicated always try to show their potential in a correct way. They will have changeable profession, not satisfied in any one place, so that’s why they will change jobs frequently. The great thing is, next profession will always be better than the last after leaving the current profession.

The native may inherit a lot of monetary and materialistic wealth as ancestral wealth or properties from the family. The native will get more success if he/she can join in the family business. However, the native may not find a lot of success on his own business starting by newly as your own.

People born in this nakshatra are usually very stick with their decisions, and they do not change their minds once they have decided. They are very courageous and they are very well known to the people around them.

Plant Worship for Magha Nakshatra

As per Vedic Astrology, the “Banyan Tree”, or “Bargad ki Ped”, is considered very auspicious for Magha Nakshatra constellation. People born in this nakshatra should keep the roots of the banyan tree with them or sitting under the tree, touching it, and offer incense, deep, flowers and worship on daily basis will get blessings from the Jupiter and Ketu. If the native can do “Pradakshina” around the tree will be very beneficial for them.

Magha Nakshatra Mantra

Magha Nakshatra Mantra


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