Parashari Raj Yog

How Parashari Raj Yoga Formed?

Parashari Raj Yog is one the raj yog which is defined by Maharishi Parashar. This Raj Yog give name, fame, fortune and family, position in the native’s life. The native will go to a very high position.

How this Yog Formed?

When Kendra and Trikona lords are placed in Kendra Bhav. It is created the highly beneficial raj yoga as per Maharishi Parashar. Kendra means 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house lord is associated with any Trine House such as 1st, 5th and 9th house lords this yoga formed.

Let’s take an example, suppose, in Cancer Ascendant 5th lord Mars placed in 9th house which is Pisces sign and house of Jupiter and Jupiter is also already placed in the 9th house. In that case, this Raj Yog formed in every aspect. Why because Mars is the Yogakarak planets in Cancer Ascendant, it is lord of 10th and 5th house ans placed 9th house with Jupiter. The native will live like a king and blessed with a lot of property, high designation, achieve good wealth in life.


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