
Pratyantar Dasha

Pratyantar Dasha Prediction

What is Pratyantar Dasha?

Pratyantar Dasha is the sub-sub-period of Mahadasha. If we create all Dashas system into layers, Mahadasha will be 1st layer, Antardasha will be the 2nd layer and Pratya-Antar Dasha will be the 3rd layer. The planetary period that divides into Antar-dasha, or called “Bhukti”, which is a sub-sub-division of a Mahadasha. Pratyantar Dashas are run in the same order with proportional length as the Mahadashas. It’s duration is basically less than Antardashas comes for months. This period could bring health issues, potential conflicts or dangers involving weapons, financial setbacks, challenges in fulfilling responsibilities, and mental stress.

Pratyantar Dasha in Vedic astrology focuses on how different planets interact and impact personal lives during specific sub-periods. Each planet has its own Pratyantar Dasha, which can bring both positive and challenging effects as per the planet’s aspects as well as position when it occurs within a specific Antar Dasha.

Let’s take some examples:

Sun’s Pratyantar Dasha and Sun’s Antar Dasha

Sun is considered as malefic planet. So, this period may bring about arguments, financial difficulties, marital problems, and headaches, quarrelsome nature, mental stress, proudy nature. If Sun is in a beneficial position and aspects by Jupiter the situation will be favourable. Pratyantar Dasha Calculator.

Moon’s Pratyantar Dasha and Mars’ Antar Dasha

Moon and Mars both are a great friend. When Moon and Mars conjunction in the centre like 1st, 7th, 10th there will be created a Rajya Yog called “Chandra-Mangal Lakshmi Yoga”. Moon’s Pratyantar and Mar’s Antardasha will bring wisdom, gain respect, increase in the income, buying land and properties, and find more happiness in family. Some challenges may see in last part of the Antardasha but native will handle the situation amongst overall positive developments.

Rahu’s Pratyantar Dasha during Saturn’s Antar Dasha

Rahu is the most malefic planet and Rahu is just like Saturn. Both are the malefic planets, so this period may bring health issues, mental tension, dangers involving weapons, financial fluctuations, may challenges in fulfilling responsibilities, and mental stress, delay in the work, destruction, misfortune etc. But the result will be varied as per the Lagna, placement, position.

How to Calculate Pratyantar Dasha?

Same method will be applicable as calculate of the Antardasha. For finding the period of Pratyantar Dasha of the same planet, or any other planet in the Antardasha of another planet is multiply the years of the Antardasha with the Years of Dasha of the other planet and divide the product by the total years of Dasha means 120 years of all the planets.

Take an Example:

Sun Mahadasha, Jupiter’s Pratyantar Dasha and Mar’s Antar Dasha Sun Mahadahsa=6 years

Mahadasha period of Jupiter=16 years

Antardasha period of Jupiter= 6x16/120=0.8 years or 8 months.

Now, Let’s Calculate Pratyantar Dasha;

Antardasha period of Jupiter= 8 months.

Mahadasha period of Mars = 7 years

Pratyantara Dasha period of Mars in Jupiter Antardasha= 0.8x7/120= 47days

So finally, we got that in Sun Mahadasha and Jupiter’s Antardasha period, Mar’s Pratyantara Dasha will be 1 and ½ months in a round figure.

Hierarchy Channel of Pratyantara Dasha Period?

Sun Mahadasha> Jupiter Antardasha > Mars Pratyantara Dasha

Hence, Jupiter and Mars both are friendly planets and they are also friend with the Sun. If Mars is placed in beneficial position, then native will be rewarded with Mars during this period. Native will achieve a high position, multiple income may be seen in this period.


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