Maharishi Parashar said, Rahu is like Shani. If Shani is placed in well place then Rahu will give good result. Rahu gives tremendous results in 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses. If Rahu is placed in 6th house, the native will born in a very poor family, but in later stage the native will acquire more wealth and money, native will be rich in the middle life.
Here Rahu is also giving many health issues which can be chronic and could be continued throughout the life. For weak Rahu, worship goddess Saraswati and offer blue “Aparajita” flowers. Pour red coral stone in the river for Rahu shanti.
Donate sweater, blankets, blue color cloths in the Saturday evening. Visit any Ugra Devi’s temple such as Durga or Chamunda temple. Offer wine to Lord Bhairav in the Krishna Paksha Saturday evening.
Do fasting in every Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi till 42 numbers of fasting with visit Lord Shiva Temple in the evening. You will see Rahu’s negative result will be less instantly after some days.
Rahu is not good in 2nd house because it is unfavourable for wealth and family. Chant Rahu Beej Mantra “ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः” minimum 108 times and total 18,000 in 41 days.
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