
Ruby Gemstone Benefits

Get the details of natural ruby gemstone benefits that improve the sun’s positive effects in your life.

Nature of Ruby

Ruby is called “Manikya” in Vedi Astrology. Ruby gemstone is for the Sun that signify the influencing character of the Sun, the central structure of the solar system binding all the planets rotating around it with natural force. Sun represents the father and the guardian. Sun followed the routine jobs always. Ruby gemstone is hot by nature and provides pinkish red to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral called aluminium oxide. Ruby is a very precious and one of the most popular traditional jewellery gems and is very durable. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called Sapphires.

Advantages of Ruby

Ruby gives vitality, good eye-sight, and good blood circulation due to its hot nature. There is an array of benefits of ruby gemstone mentioned in astrology are:

Providing good progress in self-awareness, realization of truth and confidence and stable movement towards success in the life.

Strengthens relationships in relatives and family.

Builds professional excellence as well as goodwill.

Healing mental peace and emotional healing.

Ruby helps to safeguards against evils as well as healing properties and health blessings.

It enhances creativity that leads to better career prospects.

Sun is “Atma Karak” and a fiery planet also called the king of solar systems. In Vedic culture, it symbolizes the soul, honour, leader, high status, governance, administrative service, social contribution etc.

Disadvantages of Ruby

Ruby can cause bone problems, eyesight issues, separate from father, diseases related to blood pressure if it is not suited you. Changes seeing in skin color and skin cancer. If Sun is not well placed in the native’s kundli Ruby gemstone should be avoided.

Ruby gemstone can create It can give rise to disputes with the higher authorities at the workplace.

It can lead to the irritation in the behaviour and frequent temperamental changes in a person.

The ill effects of wearing Ruby gemstone can also result in living a lavish lifestyle in spite of going through a probable financial crisis.

It is recommended that Pisces, Capricorn and Virgo sign people should not wear Ruby, unless it will give adverse effects.

If the Sun is placed in 6th somehow it is good for jobs, 8th or 12th house in horoscope, it will give negative effects such as fever, ulcer, enmity, debt, even death if it is “Marak” in the native’s kundli.

It is always recommended, before wearing Ruby or Manik gemstone it is better if you consult with a good astrologer because the placement of Sun may vary according to the horoscope as well as gives effect as per its placement and position.

How to know Ruby will favour to me or not?

According to Vedic astrology, Ruby is best for Leo Sign. Scorpio ascendant can wear Ruby for bright career and good administrative skills. If it is placed in the 5th, 6th, 9th, or 10th house Ruby can be wear but depend on its position as well as sign.

The Sun is a jealousy planet and enmity exists with several planets. Therefore, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Virgo, and Aquarius ascendants should avoid wearing Ruby stone.

When & How to Wear Ruby

Manik or Ruby gemstone should wear in a gold or copper ring with ring finger of the right hand.

Before wear this stone make purify wash with milk or Gangajal or Gomutra after that keep it in your right hand.

Seat in front of Shiv or Vishnu Temple and chant 1 mala Sun “Beej Mantra”. After that do 1 mala of Lord Shiv or Vishnu mantra.

You need to this work in Sunday within 1 hour after sun rising. Sun is a “Satwik” planet.

So, in that day, if you can do a Surya Grah Shanti Homam along with fast of Lord Surya Dev will be very beneficial to the native.

How to Identify Ruby

If you are calling synthetic stones fakes it is a mistake in terminology. Synthetic Rubies stones are maximum available in the market so beware for that.

Natural Ruby has the hardness, crystal form, with proper index of refraction with specific gravity. However, all these things are also same you will see in artificial Ruby. So, this is not easy to identify which is natural and which is artificial.

Still, you can notice, synthetic stone can be large and flawless. Because large flawless natural stones are extremely rare as well as very expensive. Real Ruby is usually rich in color and display a deep, even red hue.

If a ruby appears too dark or too light, or if its color is uneven, it may not be a real Ruby. If a ruby doesn't bend light properly, it may not be a real ruby. Ruby has a specific gravity of around 3.97 to 4.05, which is relatively high compared to other gemstones.

So, finally the best way to know the Ruby stone is real or artificial is to have it certified by a reputed gemmologist. In the lab, they will inspect by using a combination of visual, physical, and chemical tests to determine its quality and authenticity.


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