2nd House (Value, Speak, Relatives)
This house represents wealth, fortune, power and other achievements. The house represents an individual’s capacity to generate wealth. This house also deals with the quality of relationships of the individual. Yet another important aspect is the native’s ability to express him/herself. The house refers to Taurus or Vrishaba, the second sign of the Zodiac. Second house is the house of Wealth.
This house belongs to income, wealth, family life, speech, relatives, foods, drink, teaching, marak sthan, material possession, emotion. Why second house is called “Marak House” because it is just opposite to 8th house, any planet will place in 8th house that will be influenced to 2nd house in it’s 7th aspect. However, if any planets placed in 2nd house that will be influenced to 8th house in it’s 7th aspect.
This house is called “Dhan Bhav” or income house. Jupiter is the karak of this house and Moon is exalted in this house. Moon is the significator of foods, and indicates good qualities of foods native will get in the life. If any benefic planet placed here or looks towards this house In 7th the aspects or 2nd lord placed in well placed in the kundli.
Second House also shows status of the native in astrology. Status also depends up on wealth and monetary support to the native. If Jupiter or 9th house lord aspects 2nd house, then it increases the wealth and status in native’s life. If 2nd house lord is combusting or placed with malefic planets or any malefic planets placed in 2nd house, then there could be trouble or delay by getting wealth in native’s life. Second house is also associated with expansion and memory of native and Jupiter is the karaka of 2nd house. So, strong and unafflicted Jupiter can increase the strength of 2nd house.
If Venus placed in 2nd house and Saturn placed in 11th house, it is called a great Dhan Yoga. However, native will gain multiple income in the life. No planets get debilitated in this house.
2nd house signified: Neck, Shoulders of the native
Karak of 2nd House: Jupiter
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