When Sun is in Benefic Position
The Sun is the soul planet, it’s called the “Atma Karak”. Sun gives very good results in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th houses. Sun did give good result in these houses such as 6th, 7th and 10th houses. Some astrologers said, 10th house Sun is good for power and administration. However, 10th house Sun makes the native proud, dictatorship and self-willed person which is not good for society and people also did not like these types of rulers in their around.
Sun gets exalted in the 1st house, exalted Sun provides the native name, fame, fortune and the great thing is the native started earning in the early age you can say for 22 years onwards, native will engage anywhere to get for earning source. The native will be fond of constructing religious buildings and digging of wells for public purposes. They will have permanent source of livelihood more from the government. They may get government jobs, will be a government officer, or get government projects on contract basis. Though Sun is a soul and “Satvik” planet, they don’t earn from the illegal sources and if they will earn from the honest sources the native’s wealth will be keep multiplying. The don’t believe on others words, they believe only his eyes what they have seen.

When Sun is in Malefic Position
1st house can gives the native baldness and hair fall issues to the native. The native’s father may die in early childhood, but for that we also need to check 9th house lord’s placement and position. The native should attain sex in the day time which bring the native poverty in the house and his wife may face constantly ill and have infection of tuberculosis as well infection in the eyes. If Venus is placed in the 7th house and Sun placed in the 1st house in any malefic sign like Capricorn or Aquarius and Mars placed in the 5th house this combination make the Sun very malefic and native’s son will may dead, serial wise. Know About The 9 Planets in Astrology.
The malefic Sun in the 1st house and Saturn placed in the 8th house is not good news for the native. This condition will cause the death of wife one by one serial wise. If Sun is placed in the 1st house and there is no any planet in the 7th house, in this case the native should not get marriage before 24 years of age otherwise native will be dangerous for his life partner or wife. After 24th years of age will prove lucky and happy for the native.
- Don’t do sex during the day time.
- Install a hand pump for water in your ancestral house.
- Construct small dark room in the left side at the end of your house. If possible don’t keep any skylight, windows in that room.
- The native and his wife, from both of them anybody must have to stop eating jaggery forever in the life.
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