
Swati Nakshatra

Swati Nakshatra

Introduction to Swati Nakshatra

The term “Swati” means in Sanskrit "Su+ati", Su means very good and "ati" means “something more” means “Very Well Done”. The symbol of this nakshatra is “a single blade of the sprout is blowing in the wind” that elaborates, the native has independent nature, flexibility, innocence of youth, and essential strength, positive attitude. The presiding deity of this nakshatra is “Vayu Dev”. He is the god of wind. Vayu Dev is connected with our life in breathing called prana. Without Vayu Dev’s blessings, this Srishti will not go at all. “Vayu” or wind is very fickle and can changing it’s direction any time. However, the changeable nature and power of wind which can allow for a fresh to start in their life.

This nakshatra comes in Libra or Tula Zodiac Sign between 6°40' to 20° 00'. People born in the Swati Nakshatra are very intelligent, confident, and have an impressive personality. Mostly these people are fairly handsome, their leadership ability is also good. Rahu is the ruling planet of this nakshatra. Due to the lord of the Rahu, they are very intelligent, clever and cunning always try to apply a short cut method, they never forget anything because their memory power is very sharp, the native is very self-sufficient. They are also quite romantic by nature and attracted towards opposite sex, very caring nature in the family or friend and the society.

Women are born in this Swati Nakshatra are very beautiful, they are very vocal and firm towards their goals, they target their goals clearly what need to be done ahead. Besides that, they are very social by nature, sometimes they may face a lot of difficulties while in making friends. Swati Nakshatra born women never intentionally hurt anyone, they may clear and clean hearted and also very peace lover, mostly like to spend more and more time in their home like Cancerians.

Characteristics of Swati Nakshatra

Swati nakshatra people are by independent nature, along with they are compassionate, soft spoken and kind hearted. The great thing is, they are very flexible and can do adjust in any circumstances or any environment. They have happy and positive attitude people for most part of the time. Mostly they loved to stay in the social groups, very sociable by nature. Their communication skills and networking will make them as like as social bee. It is also seen, people born in this Swati Naskhatra are very religious and taken interest towards into the spiritual karmas.

People Born Under Swati Nakshatra

Features of Swati Nakshatra

  • Symbol: Young Sprout Swayed by Wind
  • Ruling planet: Rahu
  • Presiding Deity: Vayu Dev
  • Gender: Female
  • Gana: Deva
  • Guna: tamas/tamas/sattva
  • Animal: male buffalo
  • Indian Zodiac: 6°40? to 20° 00 Tula
  • Direction: North-West
  • Nakshatra Element: Fire

Swati Nakshatra Lord

Rahu is the lord of this nakshatra, Lord Vayu Dev is the deity of Swati Nakshatra, and it is comes in Libra or Tula Zodiac Sign between 6°40' to 20° 00'.

Swati Nakshatra Padas

Pada 1

The First Quarter of the Swati Nakshatra comes in the 06°40' to 10°00' of Sagittarius Navamsa which is ruled by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are religious nature, great hearted, and very wise people. They obey their teachers, elders and seniors, very good manners. People born in this quarter are very scholarly, wealthy, highly knowledgeable with having a good grasping power.

Pada 2

The Second Quarter of the Swati Nakshatra comes in 10°00' to 13°20' of the Capricorn Navmansa that is ruled by Saturn. People born in this pada are very sincere, responsible and risk taker at their work place. The native can be blessed by Venus and Saturn in the life, these people are rise in the business rather than job. Saturn makes them as serious nature, once the native has decided to do that work means without finished, they will not leave their responsibilities.

Pada 3

The Third Quarter of Swati Nakshatra comes in 13°20' to 16°40' of the Aquarius Navamsa which is ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada are extravagant and shameless in nature. They are also very short tempered, sometime may careless. The native gets lot of wealth because they tend to give it away to those who need them, but knowing such process, If Rahu's negative side comes out, it may invoke greed within him which will make him give away more wealth, however such negative tendency will again help the world at the end.

Pada 4

The Fourth Quarter of the Swati Nakshatra comes in 16°40' to 20°00' of the Pisces Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are intelligent but emotional. They have large social circle, always ready to help people, they have excellent sacrificing nature, well respected in the society, a very respectful teacher, wealthy as well as very happy with their family and children.

New Name Can be Suggested for People Born in Swati Nakshatra Start With Following Letter would Very Fortunate and Auspicious for Their Life:

  • Nakshtra: Swati
  • Quarter 1: Ru
  • Quarter 2: Re
  • Quarter 3: Ro
  • Quarter 4: Ta

Career, Profession & Business Comes in Swati Nakshatra

The male born in Swati Nakshatra is intelligent, handsome, and attracted to the opposite sex due it’s calm nature. The native will rise with full of potential after the age of twenty-five years. Before they may suffer from financially and mentally in early twenty-five age. In terms of profession, the best time is between thirty to sixty years of age. If Mercury is placed in the favourable sign then native can do business anything related to wood like furniture, modular kitchen design, modular showroom design. People born in this nakshatra should do any business in partnership to have the best gains. Ensure that, they should keep a distance from any types of speculative investments like share or stock trading, because it will give harmful impact to your wallet.

Mostly, Swati Nakshatra born native can rise whether in business or make career in these fields such as travel and tourism, as an artist in music, dance, painting, interior decorators or designers, a scientist, attorneys, judge, chef, business food industry, photography, or electrical or electronics, transportation, media, author or poet, textile or fashion design, and foreign diplomats.

Plant Worship for Swati Nakshatra

As per Vedic Astrology, the “Arjun Tree” is considered very auspicious for Swati Nakshatra constellation. People born in this nakshatra should keep the roots of the Arjun tree with them or sitting under the tree, touching it, and offer incense stick, deep, flowers and worship on regular basis will get blessings from the Rahu and Saturn and remove all types of obstacles in the life. The native should do “Pradakshina” around the tree will bring the great fortune for the native’s life.

Swati Nakshatra Mantra

ऊँ वायो ये सहस्त्रिणे रथा सस्ते चिरागहि नियुत्वाम सोम पीतये ऊँ वायवे नम: ।।


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