
Too Much Worship Also Leads to Poverty if Jupiter is in These Houses

Too Much Worship Also Leads to Poverty if Jupiter is in These Houses

Jupiter or Guru or Brihaspati is the most beneficial planet in Vedic Astrology, it is the planet of learning, wisdom, wealth, happiness, luck, fortune, healthy, good relationship, and life. It is one of the most favorable planets among others as per Maharishi Parashar. If Jupiter will be strong in the native’s chart they will get all types of material happiness on this earth till end of the life as well as will be religious, believe in god, follower of religion, helping nature, obey to elders, seniors and teachers.

Worshiping and having devotion in God is a very good thing and should also happen. There is everything in this world that a human being come and go with bare hands on this earth. After all, no matter how big a billionaire he is, not even a single needle goes with him at the time of his death.

We all know this, but still, we are keep running after Maya. Because Maya has kept us all captive that is why. But did you know Jupiter will give bad results and brings poverty in the life when it will be placed in some specific houses? too much worship for a few people can lead to poverty and hunger in human life this is what Maharishi Parashar has said. If the native worships more, does more religious activities and Jupiter is placed in one of these such a house in the horoscope, then the result is that the fate of the native is being halted.

Let’s come to know about this in details…

Suppose, if Jupiter is placed in the 6th house, as per Nadi Jyotish, 6th house lord is the Mercury, Jupiter here will give the results like Mercury. However, if Jupiter is in the 7th house, then the result will be provided like Venus.

Some astrologers say, when Jupiter will place in the centre or Kendra Bhav, it will give auspicious result. That is true, but there are some specific houses for Jupiter is not good if the native taken more interest in religion, Puja Path, and visiting religious places frequently. While Jupiter is placed in the 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th houses then why do some people have to face a lot of problems in life. Best astrology services in Delhi.

Jupiter is the lord of religion, knowledge, and salvation. Because he is the lord of 9th and 12th house of Kalpurush Kundli. Besides, he is the natural karak of wealth. Venus is the lord of 2nd and 7th house of Kalpurush Kundli. Whereas Venus is the meaning of luxury, sex, wealth, money and wealth, he is also the guru of rakshasas, Venus nature is somehow Raajisk and Taamsik also. Venus is the karak of big house and luxury house, glamour, fashion, beauty moreover it is the day of Venus.

2nd house

If Jupiter is in the 2nd house of the native's horoscope, whose nature will he adopt? Venus’s, right? Because the 2nd house belongs to Venus. Now suppose native is very religious and spends a lot of time in the puja path, he does lot of religious work. Whose work is all this? But Jupiter is in the house of Venus and Venus provides luxurious things, glamour, high-fi society and fashionable life. Venus does not expect to be more religious, worship or puja path in this house.

See Venus is also a guru and he also imparted a lot of knowledge and religion to the world. He also ger the method of "Mrit Sanjeevani" by doing very hard Tapasya obtained from Lord Shiva. Venus wants more sex, all pleasurable and material life happiness in the life, it is just opposite to the nature of Jupiter. If Jupiter is in the 5th, 9th, 1st, 12th, 4th, 8th house then the native should not be more religious, then beneficial result will be seen by the Jupiter.

Best Astrology Service in Delhi. Similarly, if Venu placed in the 9th house of the native’s Kundli. Here Venus will behave like Jupiter, native will be more religious nature. When the native will take more interest towards religious work, Venus will be very beneficial otherwise adverse effect will be seen. 

7th House

7th house is called "Damapti Bhav" or life partner or marriage house, house of partnership, married life. Here mainly partnership means life partner. Venus is the lord of this house. Now see, what does Jupiter? as a saint, a religious person, it will not take interest marriage or material gains. In the female chart, Jupiter is the Karaka of marriage. Jupiter will give the result of Venus and the native will get benefited when they will be less spiritual and less interest towards puja path, unless it will create conflict in married life along with financial problems in life.

Puja recitation also give financial crunch-if guru is sitting here

10th House

10th house is the house of Karma, where Jupiter is lget debilitated. According to Kalapurush, 10th house is Makar Rashi and Shani is its lord. Jupiter wants to be less spiritual, less worship, and to focus on more work that you do in your daily routine. If native will take more interest towards religious work and more spiritual, Jupiter can gives struggle, conflicts in job or business, tension may see in the life.

11th House

Again, this house is the house of Saturn. This is “Aaya Bhava” or house of income or profit; Jupiter is also the Karaka of this Bhava. If Jupiter is placed in the 11th house. Natives should do focus on more their job work or business and less attention need to pay attention towards religious work and the native should not visit temple or religious palaces frequently, do puja. Unless the positive results of 11th house will be spoiled by Jupiter.

However, we have seen these issues in many horoscopes and suggest to the native accordingly, then there have been many changes in his life after all. In conclude, it is said that Jupiter will not give beneficial results and brings poverty if it is placed in these houses as mentioned above, if the native will do Jupiter related work.

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