
Understanding of the Planet Ketu

Planet Ketu Facts and Informations

Introduction to Ketu

Ketu is south node and Rahu is north node of the Moon. Ketu is tale of any animals like snake or dog etc., causes wrong judgment, self-negativity, isolation, injury and poisons at a personal level, a big huge blast, poverty, depression, anxiety, collective level wars, revolutions, narrow, poor concentration.  

Ketu is symbolized as a headless serpent. Ketu is the indicator of great yogis and sages as the last salvation of life, including the opening of the third eye with seven crown chakras. Ketu helps to raise “Kundalini Chakra” Ketu connected with the native’s psychology. If it is malefic that disturbs the person mentally and emotionally and somehow physically suddenly. Ketu reacts suddenly, causes severe depression, anxiety, bad dreams to the native, accidents, make native’s suspicious mind. There is a bad yoga formed if ketu is conjunct with Moon called “Grahan Yog” which is not a for the native’s life. 

Importance of Ketu

If Ketu is auspicious or beneficial, the native will be laborious, rich and happy, blessed with the sons. But the native will get concerned and troubled because of his progeny. If Ketu is malefic in 1st house the native and his wife will suffer from diseases and could be worried about children. If 2nd and 7th houses are empty then Mercury and Venus would also give bad results. Many travels with no gain. If Saturn is malefic it would destroy father and guru.

When Ketu is Beneficial

If Ketu in 1st, 9th house the native will be blessed with sons or nephews. Ketu is the Putra Karak. Ketu loves for long “Tirth Yatra” journey. If Ketu placed in 1st house, it is good for native’s father for prosperity. A benefic Ketu makes an individual honorable, worthy, and spiritually intelligent. The native will proceed on the path of spirituality as well as the person’s career will be enhanced and blessed with the long lived. A good Ketu maintains the good knowledge learned in previous births.

Ketu is good for peoople who are born in the nakshatras of Ketu. If Ketu is well placed in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces signs or Vargottami then the strength of the dasha will be good. Ketu also gives good results in Jupiter's sign. It rules three Nakshatras namely Moola, Magha, and Ashwini. Rahu and Ketu are not the owner of any sign. However, it is said that Ketu is debilitated in Gemini and Taurus, and exalted in Sagittarius and Scorpio. Similarly, Rahu is debilitated in Sagittarius and Scorpio and exalted in Gemini and Taurus.

Ketu Mahadasha

Ketu Mahadasha prolongs for more than 7 years, during the dasha period native will see sudden and immediate results because Ketu gives sudden effects which you cannot think or imagine in your life. You are likely to feel detached from all the materialistic world and you will also not be willing to get married or married life. Marital relationship will not good during this period. Ketu will keep distance between the couple during the dasha. If Ketu is placed in a good position, native will be blessed with long life, a great career, and good opportunities will be seen in the dasha. The malefic dasha of Ketu can lead to emotional and mental stress, accident, anxiety, quarrelsome environment between the spouse.


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