
Understanding of the Planet Saturn

How does Shani affect your Life?

Nature of the Saturn

Saturn is the Karm Karaka Planet. Saturn calculate the truth, good works, bad works, innocence of the native life Saturn in astrology is about being disciplined, managing your time, meeting deadlines all while keeping the restrictions in mind. Saturn can however not be termed as a negative planet for its positive influence makes riches from rags.

Saturn’s affliction in a horoscope project one’s inability to face challenges in life. Escapist tendencies of such individuals further aggravate problems as Saturn wants you to work hard.

Weak Saturn in the horoscope may lead to mental distress, aloofness in character, addictions, and even chronic illnesses in some cases. If you surrender and fall prey to short cuts to evade sufferings, difficulties may intensify.

Importance of the Saturn

Saturn is considered good in houses 2nd, 3rd and 7th to 12th, whereas 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th houses are bad for Saturn. Sun, Moon and Mars are its enemies, Venus, Mercury and Rahu are friends and Jupiter and Ketu are neutral to it. Saturn gets exalted in 7th house and the 1st house is the house of its debilitation. Venus and Jupiter placed together act like Saturn in that house. Similarly, Mars and Mercury placed in a single house act like Saturn in that house. In the former case Saturn behaves like Ketu, while in the latter case it behaves like Rahu. 

Venus gets destroyed if Saturn is being aspected by the Sun in any horoscope. The aspect of Venus on Saturn causes loss of money and wealth, but the aspect of Saturn on Venus proves highly beneficial. Collision of Saturn and Moon causes operation of the eyes of the native. Saturn gives good results if posited in house earlier than Sun. Saturn can never give malefic results if posited with Sun or Jupiter in a single house, but highly adverse results would follow if posited with Moon or Mars in any house. 

Saturn Creates Panch Mahapurush Rajyog

Shasha Yoga is formed by Saturn in a horoscope and it is considered as one of the five most auspicious Yogas in Vedic astrology called Panch MahaPurusha Yogas where the other four Yogas in this class are Hamsa Yoga, Malavya Yoga, Ruchaka Yoga and Bhadra Yoga. According to the prevalent definition of Shasha Yoga, when Saturn is present in Kendra or Center from Ascendant in a horoscope, which means when Saturn is present in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house from Ascendant in a horoscope in any one of the three signs namely Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, Shasha Yoga is formed in the horoscope.

“Shasha Yoga” can bless the native with many good things depending on the strength of this Yoga in the horoscope as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. Saturn is associated with analytical ability, perseverance, patience, practical nature, hard work, authority, lawfulness, discipline, governess, judgement, administrative skills, management skills and many other quality traits. Accordingly, the formation of Shasha Yoga in a horoscope can bless the native with very good results related to the significances of Saturn. Strong Shasha Yoga present in a horoscope can bless the native with a position of high authority and power in the house of government and some natives under this benefic influence can also become heads of the states or top class ministers in governments, when supported by their overall horoscopes. Some other natives under the influence of Shasha Yoga can become successful lawyers, judges, engineers, powerful political leaders, rich and famous real estate builders or dealers, successful and famous liquor businessmen; owners of various manufacturing units like cars, refrigerators, air conditioners and other industries; writers, journalists and many other kinds of professionals.

When Saturn Releases Negative Effects?

Saturn releases its poisonous results on the sign and Mars, if it is posited in 1st house, on Mars only if posited in 3rd house, on Moon if posited in 4th house, on Sun if posited in 5th house, and on Mars in posited in 3rd house. Saturn in 3rd house deprives the native of the accumulation of cash money and kills the children of the native when posited in 5th house and 10th house is empty. It becomes highly benefic in 12th house if friendly planets are posited in 2nd house. Saturn provides very good results if placed in houses 1 to 7 on the condition that 10th house is empty. Saturn in 1st house and Sun in 7th, 10th or 11th houses causes all sorts of troubles for natives’ wife. Combination of Mars and Saturn gives adverse results al through.

Saturn Mahadasha

Saturn Mahadasha is a long period and span of 19 years. When we think about Saturn Mahadasha, we look into towards the Lord Hanuman or Lord Shivji to save and protect from negative result of the Saturn.  1st phase of Saturn dasha is a lot of hurdles, efforts and need to add extra power.  Saturn signifies your karma, hard work, ambitions, and service. It also signifies to workers, employees, old and aged person, handicapped people. 

The hurdles and obstacles of a person will face during the dasha for their own karma done in the present life along with the previous life. Saturn is known for providing success in life, but this success does not come easily. People afraid when they listened about Saturn. But actually it is not like that, Saturn makes you stronger, bolder, courageous, give strong will power to fight against all the negativity and obstacles while comes in your life.  

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