
Understanding of Venus

Planet Venus in Astrology

Nature of the Venus

Venus is like Jupiter. Venus is the guru of Rakshas and Jupiter is the guru of Devs. The great thing is Venus has “Mrit Sanjivani” vidya which he got by worship of Lord Shiva. By this vidya he brings dead guards back to life of Rakashas. Later on, Jupiter also learned from him this vidya. Venus is a feminine planet and “Stree Karaka” planet in a male kundli. Venus is also called as Lakshmi and Mercury is called Narayan. When both of the planets are conjunct in Trine or Centre in any houses called the Lakshmi Narayani Yog. It rules over Taurus or Vrishabha and Libra or Thula. It rules over 2nd and 7th house of Kaal Purush Kundali. Taurus is an earthy and a fixed sign whereas Libra is an airy and movable sign. People ruled by Venus are kind and sociable nature. Venus gets exalted in Pisces or Meena Rashi at 28 degrees whereas debilitated in Virgo or Kanya Rashi at 28 degrees. Libra Rashi is the mooltrikona trikon sthan of Venus. Venus is a very benefic planet like Jupiter

Importance of Venus

Venus represents wife for men and marriage in the native’s horoscope. It is the karaka planet of seventh house, the house of marriage and legal business partnership. If it is placed well in horoscope, it provides good marital life. Therefore, only Venus can give any things such as name, fame, happiness, and good life if it is placed in the beneficial position. 

Venus Signifies Marriage for Men?

Venus stands for the husband in the horoscope of a female and represents the wife in the horoscope of a male. Venus offers good results if placed alone in the birth chart. It is exhalated Pisces or Meena Rashi and debilitated in Virgo or Kanya Rashi. Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu are friends of Venus, whereas Sun, Moon and Rahu act as enemies, Mars is neutral towards it. Venus offers very good results if posited in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th and 12th houses, 6th and 9th houses are considered bad for Venus. 

When Venus Offers Good Results

Venus offers very good results in the houses of Mercury, Saturn, and Ketu, whereas evil effects will follow if posited in the houses of Sun, Rahu and Moon. When Rahu aspects Venus or vice versa, or placed together then good results of Venus will be nullified and the native will get deprived of money, wealth, and family comforts altogether. The eyes of the natives. Mother will become severely defective if Moon and Venus are placed just opposite to each other. 

What types Diseases Venus can Provide

If Venus is afflicted or debilitated in the native’s kundli, causes trouble in the eyes, diseases of the ovaries, gout, anaemia, and other complications such as problem in sex, native will be affected by. An afflicted Venus may cause accidents, fraud in love and marriage and will deprive the native of the comforts of vehicles, conveyance etc. A benefic Venus makes the native beautiful, gives beautiful eyes, interest towards arts, sculpturing, music, dancing. If Mercury is in good condition, then Venus gives good result in it’s dasha and antardasha.

Venus Mahadasha

Venus Mahadasha runs for a long period which is 20 years. Venus dasha is the longest time period among other Vimsottari Mahadasaha. Venus or Shukra is a highly beneficial planet, giving all types happiness, luxury, comforts and materialistic gains in the native’s life. 

A benefic Venus, brings a lot of material comforts, wealth and prosperity. If Mercury is benefic then the native could spend a celebrity life and achieve name, fame, wealth, position and popular in the life. 

The prime thing is, Venus gives magic attraction to the opposite sex. It gives the comfort of vehicles, jewelry, luxuries, home, royal status, and profit with all aspects during it’s dasha and antardasha.


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