
Vastu Directions and Effects of Directions | Clickhoro

The effects of directions in our life, business, career and profession.

How to know the direction without Compass?

There are four parts of directions, which are called Cardinal Directions.

This is very simple, the direction, where the Sun rises is called East Direction. When I stand facing towards East side, my opposite side will be West Direction. Whereas my left side would be North Direction and right side would South Direction.

You also need to keep in mind one thing, the allocation of the area of the direction takes place on an angular basis. There are four cardinal directions, and if we divide 360 degrees of an area from the centre of the building, in four equal parts. Every direction gets 90 degrees area, which is shown in the following graphics.

However, most of the plots are rectangular in shape, the calculation of area is not based on length and width only.

Significance of Eight Directions

If we divide these four Cardinal Directions into eight sub-directions, we found each sub direction gets an area of 45 degrees, right?

Total main four cardinal direction such as: North Side, South Side , East Side, and West Side and Total four Inter-Cardinal Directions such as North-West Side, North-East Side, South-West Side, and South-East Side. Each direction signifies an aspect of life and is governed by various gods.

North Direction represents wealth,

South Direction represents dharma,

West Direction is for prosperity and

East Direction is for overall success.

Similarly, when we go to divide 45 degrees direction into two equal parts, each part will be 22.5 degrees area, right? these divisions are giving us eight new sub-sub-directions.

However, the direction between East and North East is called East-North-East or ENE. The direction between East-South-East is called or ESE.


South-South-East = SSE

South-South-West =SSW

South West = SW

West-South-West = WSW and

North-West= NW

West-North-West= WNW

North-North-West= NNW

North-East= NE

North-North-East= NNE

So, finally what we get? to understand the effects of different directions, we need to know the attributes of every direction thoroughly. So however, each direction has its own attributes and these attributes are fixed you know.

This is no matter where the building is located in India or USA or may be anywhere else in the world. The Vastu professional will have to follow up the directions in this way when they predict or analyze the any house or plots in this earth.


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