Venus in 1st House

 Venus in 1st House

Effects of Venus in 1st House

Venus is one of the most benefic planets after Jupiter. Venus in 1st house makes the native very handsome or beautiful, if it is placed in own sign or in friendly sign, it will create a Maha Raja Yoga called “Malaviya Raja Yoga”. Venus in the ascendant, the native would be long lived, having sweet voice, very obedient towards the parents and elders. The native would be attracted towards opposite sex and very popular in the society. It also gives the native very attractive eyes, a good-looking physical appearance with fair complexion. When Jupiter or Venus placed in the ascendant gives a happy and long life.

1st house is belongs to the house of Mars, when Venus placed here, it’s seventh aspects goes to the 7th house by which the native’s wife will be remains ill sometime. The native will have multiple relations, while we talk about sex, the native will not see about the religion, caste or age, I mean there is no bar for having sexual relations with anyone anytime. Native will be romantic by nature, always looking for love affair and sex with other women. The native’s marriage will be on early basis may be before the 25 years. They will start earning in the tiny age. The native may be a leader in the company, or a department or in the society. While the native will be the head of the family member, but family members cause several family troubles in the house. Venus placed in the ascendant makes the native a big trader in ready-made garment business. Sometimes, Venus may give chronic fever and blood cough if Venus is placed as malefic in the 1st house while transiting over the ascendant in transit period or “Gochar Phal”. How to Know Venus is Strong or Weak.

Venus in 1st House

Career & Business

First house Venus can make the native famous celebrity, the native can earn lots of money through acting, singing, dancing, deal in customer care, public speaking, run an art gallery, write movie scripts, run a dance school, manage a fashion brand, or make career in digital design when Venus is placed as benefic in the ascendant.

When Venus is Benefic in First House

A positive or benefic Venus in 1st house will give best result in Taurus, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, and Pisces Signs. It will give you the positivity in the mind, a quick and amusing nature and magnetism to attract people towards the native. Native’s face always has like smiling and have a pleasant voice, their descent personality makes the native like a magnet in the public. People will address them and listen them carefully.

When Venus is Malefic in First House

A negative or malefic Venus in 1st house will just reverse of the positive result. Venus will not give good result in these signs such as Aries, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. But though it is a natural benefic planet, it will give positive result to some extent. The native will be selfish and always given priority to gain from others. The native would be very materialistic you can say as “Ayaash” type thinking, they never satisfied in their earning and always think about more and more. If Rahu’s aspects having on Venus, then the native will never satisfy in the life.

Remedies for First House Venus

  • If Venus is in ascendant, don’t get marriage till 25 years of age. Unless Venus will give adverse effects.
  • Always follow the advice of others, if you think it is good for you.
  • Serving a black cow in the life, will be reduced the negative effects of the Venus.
  • If you want to be healthy and happy married life, never do sex during the day time.
  • Before taking bath, add a spoon of curd into your bath water, a negative Venus can give you the positive result gradually.
  • If you have health issues always remaining, you can take some cow urine will be very useful for the native. But I would suggest, please consult your doctor doing it before.

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