
Venus in 3rd House

Venus in 3rd House

Effects of Venus in 3rd House

Third house Venus is also good because third house is the house of Mercury and Mercury is the natural friend towards Venus. So, Venus feels comforts here in the Gemini Sign as per “Kalpurush Kundli”. Third house is also called the house of luck, this is because any planets will place in third house will influence your 9th house obviously, so it means the planet(s) in this house must influence your fortune or luck easily. It is very important to get noticed which planet(s) are placed in the 3rd house while you predict any horoscope.

If the native gets involved with other women and have illicit relationship with them, he will have like acquiescence nature. The wife will be very laborious and added much efforts in the life, she would be very courageous, supportive nature and helpful always do like a head of the family. The native will be cheated from other women. If any planets placed in 9th and 11th houses which are the enemies of Venus, native will get adverse effects of the Venus. They will have many daughters instead of son.

Venus in 3rd house makes you a miser, devoid of good looks, happiness, respect, and property. It may also make you disinterested in your partner and seek pleasure by getting involved with others. Your interest and focus may shift from your partner or spouse to others. This placement of Venus may be unfavourable for marriage and causes delays, strife, more than one marriage, or maybe there is an inter-caste marriage, and divorced will be seen if Venus is placed as a malefic planet in third house.

Business & Career

The native should be focused towards business instead of job. This is a good yoga gives the opportunity to increase his wealth and prosperity in the life due the native’s much efforts, and the native would be courageous. The native can do have business in communication or media lines, a good consultant, marketing executive, a good poet, journalism, advertising, creative fields with communication, planning etc.

When Venus is Benefic in Third House

Third house Venus also give the result of Mercury. A positive Venus in your 3rd house, gives multiple communication skills, the native will be proficient in written and oral communication skills, attracted towards customers, and loved by his boss and colleagues by their pleasant voice and calm behaviour. The native always makes them stylish with presentable outcome as well as well-dressed looks like a celebrity, so that’s why they are easily attracted and loved and get social friendly with everyone. They are independent, hardworking and working dedicatedly, because third house Venus gives the native extra power to make a self-made-man. They can manage their personal and professional life easily. The native always stay with a group of beautiful women. They may have frequent professional travels to earn more in the life from both money and pleasant life.

Venus in 3rd House

When Venus is Malefic in Third House

A negative Venus in 3rd house will make your love an argumentative nature, mostly get debate with his wife or family in the house. The native’s mood frequently goes unstable means sometimes ups and down, quarrel type situation in the house also may see, sometimes break up, it will also affect your job or business. Business will be instable and in case of job, you will be fired from your job without any intimation anytime. The native will not be happy with his job due to salary or working environment issue. Third house Venus makes the native like an actor in the house, which is created the full of drama throughout the life. Wife will be always unhappy from these types of people.

Remedies for Third House Venus

  • Respect your wife always and never do insult her. Unless negative result will be seen in the native’s life, especially in financial matter.
  • Avoid joking, flirting with other women seriously.
  • Don’t keep any illicit relation with any widows in the life.

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