
What is the Importance of Anant Chaturdashi Fast

Anant chaturdashi fasting rules

Meaning of Anant Chaturdashi

The term “Anant” means infinite or never ending it means if anyone do this Vrat , the devotee will be blessed endless benefits by Lord Vishnu. Anant Chaturdashi is the most significant day to worship Lord Vishnu in Anant form like Ekadashi Vrat. On this day devotees of Lord Vishnu observe a day long fast.

It is also called “Anant Chaudas”. On this day, Lord Vishnu, “Mother Yamuna” and “Sheshnag” are worshiped. “Ganesh Utsava” also ends on this day. According to Sanatan religion, there is a tradition of tying “Anant Sutra” on Anant Chaturdashi. Concerning Anant Sutra, it is believed that Lord Vishnu resides in this thread.

What Happened if do Anant Chaturdashi Fast?

This fast provides unlimited auspicious results and lots of blessings by lord Vishnu. This auspicious day is also dedicated to Lord Vishnu who is worshipped in his Anant (infinite) form. It is called as “Anant Vrat” meaning 'endless'. Lord Vishnu's reclining posture symbolizes the state of spiritual rest.

The Story of Anant Vrat Katha

When Pandavas left for “Agyaat Vaas” for 12 years in Mahabharat period. They faced and many obstacles, hurdles, and inaccessible situation during the 12 years journey. One day “Yudhisthira” asked to Lord Krishna how to come out from this situation? Lord Sir Kishna suggested them to do this auspicious fast. After that he shared a story with them from where “Anant Chaturdashi” fast created let us go to listen.

In ancient times, there was a Brahmin who had a daughter name was Sushila. When the girl grew up according to time, the Brahmin married her with a sage named “Kaundinay”. After marriage, Kaundinay Muni went towards his ashram in the jungle. It became night on the way so he took rest on the river bank. There, when Sushila asked about what to do and how to come out from a deadly situation in the life? he explained the importance of Anant Vrat with her. Sushila decided to do that fast and did Sankalp to start the fast there and tied a string from her saree with 14 knots on her hand. Then she came to her husband.

When Kaundinay Muni asked about the string with 14 knots tied in her arm. Sushila told the whole story. When Sage Kaundinay listned, he became unhappy what Sushila share with him. He then takes out that string from her arm and thrown into the fire. But this was a very big insult of Lord Vishnu. After that, all the wealth and property of Kaundinay Muni’s got destroyed simultaneously. Sushila already was aware about the reason why they go to very poor conditions. After the sage went towards the forest in search of God. After going too far, he felt very energy less he fell down in despair and became unconscious. There Lord Anant (Vishnu) was appeared and said that it was because of my insult that you got into this condition and faced this terrible sorrow. But because of your repentance, I am now pleased with you. Go to your ashram and do this fast with you family for 14 years as per the rituals you will get back your all wealth, property as well. This fast will remove all your troubles throughout the life.

After that, “Sage Kaundinay” bowed and prayed him and did as per suggested by Lord Vishnu after some days his all types of troubles and obstacles went away and he also attained last salvation of life later on.

However, as per Lord Shri Krishna’s suggestion, Yudhishthir also observed the fast of Lord Anant. Then Pandavas got victory in the war of Mahabharata live like a king with happy in rest part of the life.

Who Should do This Fast?

Everyone can do this fast. But basically, this Chaturdashi fast is very beneficial for them where life is going on with full of obstacles and poverty, all ways are had been closed. In that case if someone do this Vrat will be very beneficial for them.

Puja Vidhi of Anant Chaturdashi

On the day of Anant Chaturdashi, wake up in the morning and take bath and then take a pledge to fast. You can worship Anant Chaturdashi at home or temple.

To perform puja at home, clean the puja room thoroughly, sprinkle Ganga water and install the Kalash, Ghee Lamp, Dhoop and place a vessel in the Kalash and establish Anant made from Kush in it.

If it is not possible to make Anant from Kush, then you can also keep a picture of Lord Vishnu only.

After this, to prepare Anant Sutra, color a thread with kumkum, saffron and turmeric, tie Fourteen Knots in it and offer it in front of the picture of Lord Vishnu.

Anant Sutra is tied on the right arm of male and left arm of female after worshiping Lord Vishnu after finished puja.

There should be 14 knots in Anant Sutra, these 14 knots are representing to 14 worlds as per Vishnu Puran.

Now worship Lord Vishnu with turmeric, flowers, Kumkum, sandal, flowers, five any season fruits, naivedya, asan, coconut.

Offer your with these things and do puja of Lord Vishnu heartly. After that, read the book “Vrat Katha” of Anant Chaturdashi and then do arti of Lord Vishnu.

After the puja is over, tie Anant Sutra on your arm. If you are a man then tie Anant Sutra on your right hand and if you are a woman then tie Anant Sutra on your left hand.

After your puja finished, you can offer prasad to children or your neighbours. On this day, feeding or donating to the Brahmin as per your capacity will be very beneficial.

As per Sanatan Mythology, this Chaturdashi fast should be done till 14 years. After 14 years the devotee should do “Udaapan” as per rituals. Then the devotee will be blessed by Lord Vishnu’s unlimited auspicious sympathy in all aspects and live like a king with materials life.


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