

Date: 01 Mar, 2025, (Monthly Horoscope for Mar 2025)

Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius of March 2025. The month of March can be a little critical for you, but do not lose hope, keep working hard, hard work will definitely bring colours in the end. The lord planet of your Lagna or zodiac sign, Saturn, will be in the first house in the constellation of Jupiter. According to the position of the planets, the position of both Jupiter and Saturn is not good, so you will not get good results from both these planets. Therefore, do not expect special support from Saturn. Sun will be in the first house in the first part of the month and in the second house in the second part. That means Sun may be unable to give favourable results.

Mars, being in the fifth house, may be unable to give favourable results. The lord of your career place is going to be in the fifth house this month, but you will get good results, because it is placed in Trine, any planet coming here gives good results. Although the relationship between the centre and the triangle is considered good, mixed results can be expected from Mars in the fifth house. As a result, you will be able to achieve success in your business by working with patience. On the other hand, decisions taken in passion, anger or rage can cause losses. Working on the advice of a less experienced person will also not be good this month.

The month of March seems to be giving mixed results in matters related to work. Whether it is related to business or job; both the matters will need to be handled with caution. Therefore, by working hard and showing awareness in the financial aspect, you will be able to get satisfactory results. This month, Mars, the lord of your “Karma Sthan”, will have its sight on the profit house. Therefore, you will get results according to your work. Even if you get it after some difficulties, but your hard work will not go in vain. Your hard work will be converted into financial form and you will get it. This month seems to be giving you average level results. Saturn, the lord of the ascendant or zodiac sign, is in its own sign. This is a good thing but the transit of Saturn in the first house is not considered very good. Therefore, Saturn will not cause any major issue in terms of health, there are very less chances that everything will be fine in health. In the first part of the month, the transit of Sun will be in the first house, this can also cause some ups and downs in health.

Symptoms like headache, burning sensation in the eyes or sometimes fever can also be seen, but they will also be cured soon. In family matters, you seem to be getting mixed results in the month of March. Jupiter, the lord of your second house, will be in the fourth house in the constellation of Moon. Therefore, family management can remain a little disturbed. Although there will not be much trouble, but still some ups and downs can be seen due to not getting full support of Jupiter. If we talk about weaknesses, Mercury will be in the second house with Rahu in a low state, which can increase the level of mutual quarrel among the family members. On the other hand, high Venus can work to correct the spoiled atmosphere among the family members and can re-establish love. So, overall, this month will bring some hard work for you. It means that some problems will come this month but they should also be solved soon. Overall results will be a little mixed for you this month.

Remedies for Aquarius Sign People of March 2025

  • Perform Ganesh puja daily, definitely offer Durva to Lord Ganesha.
  • Do not eat non-vegetarian and alcoholic items right now because the planetary situation is not so good.
  • Offer water to the root of Banyan tree daily and take a pinch of soil in your ring finger and apply on your forehead.