Date: 01 Mar, 2025, (Monthly Horoscope for Mar 2025)
Monthly Horoscope of Leo for March 2025
According to March Leo monthly horoscope 2025. The month of March can be somewhat struggle-filled or a little weak for you in general. The Sun will transit in the seventh and eighth houses respectively this month. Both these situations are not good for the Sun. Naturally, this will happen when your work business does not run properly. Therefore, try to maintain what is going on in the same way. Any new investment or any new experiment in business will not be appropriate this month. On the other hand, if we talk about employed people, then Saturn, the lord of the sixth house, will be in the constellation of Jupiter.
This is a little favorable thing but the position of Jupiter itself is not very strong this month. Because Jupiter will be in the constellation of Moon, which is indicating useless running around and more work. There may be a slight delay in the salary of those who work in small institutions. However, Mars transiting in the profit house can give you favorable results. Due to Mercury being in a low position, such good results cannot be expected from it, while Mars will try to maintain it and will want to make you benefit at its level.
Business people may get some unexpected benefits. Even if there is a slight delay in the salary of employed people, there will not be any major problem due to that delay. We have already talked about the position of Mercury, the lord of the wealth house, while discussing the profit house. Because Mercury is the lord of both profit and wealth houses for you. Mercury is good for you because it is a very big friend of Sun. But the current position of Mercury will not be able to support much even in the matter of savings. If seen from the point of view of health, the month of March can give you slightly weak results. From the beginning of the month till March 14, the lord of your ascendant or zodiac sign, Sun, will remain in the seventh house.
Due to the conjunction of Sun with Saturn, you may see some ups and downs in your health. If we discuss family matters, then in family matters, you may get mixed results in general this month. Mercury will be in a low position, this is a weak point, but Mercury will look at its own house i.e. the second house, which will be a favorable point for you. That is, there may be some fights in family matters, but the favorable aspects of Mercury and Jupiter will definitely try to end those fights soon. In such a situation, if it seems that a fuss can be made out of something unnecessarily, then it will be wise to keep yourself away from that conversation.
Remedies for Leo Sign People of March 2025- Sun is not in a favourable position. So, better eat less salt this month. Eating less salt on Sundays will be good for you.
- Avoid fights, don't try to have unnecessary arguments with anyone. Offer water to Sun God regularly as he is your Lagna lord. He will always do good for you.
- On Wednesday, worship girls and give them some meat to eat and take their blessings. This can bring positive influence in your life.