Date: 01 Mar, 2025, (Monthly Horoscope for Mar 2025)
As per Sagittarius Horoscope of March 2025. Jupiter is currently transiting in the sixth house but this month Jupiter will remain in the constellation of Moon. Moon is the lord of your eighth house. Therefore, you should not expect too good results from Jupiter. Saturn being in your third house will generally want to favour you, there are more chances of it being opposed in the "Parakrama Bhav". Sun can give a little weak result this month. The placement of Mars is not very good this month. Mercury's position will favour you in some cases despite being debilitated. The lord of your career house will be in the fourth house in a debilitated state this month. On one hand, Mercury being in the fourth house is a favourable position, on the other hand, being debilitated is not considered a good position but Mercury will keep looking at the tenth house. In this way, we can get mixed but slightly better than average results from Mercury.
In such a situation, after some difficulties, you will be able to achieve success in your work field. Talking about financial matters, this month the position of Venus, the lord of your profit house, is quite good, due to which you will be able to get a good profit according to your hard work. That is, you will keep getting results according to the work you do. From the point of view of health, the month of March may give weak results in some cases. Jupiter, the lord of your ascendant or zodiac sign, is in the sixth house. Transit of Jupiter in the sixth house is generally not considered good. On top of that, Jupiter will be in the constellation of Moon, the lord of the eighth house. This too will not be called a favorable situation.
Therefore, it will be very important to be aware about health this month. Saturn, the lord of the second house, is continuously transiting in the third house. Therefore, it will prevent any major family problem from coming, but due to Mars' aspect on the second house this month, as well as the lord of the second house being set for some time, the results may be comparatively a little weak. However, this weakness will not be of a very big level. Therefore, if the family members try, the relationship will remain favorable in general. Do not be careless because in such a situation, there can be arguments or discord between some members. Overall, this month will give mixed results.
Remedies for Sagittarius Sign People of March 2025
- Worship 5 “Kanchak” or small girls, feed them sweets and take their blessings. Definitely donate Dakshina to them.
- If you buy medicine for asthma patients in the hospital or your neighbour, you will benefit a lot.
- Feed the poor people according to your capacity or give them some food in the langar.