

Date: 2025-02-01, monthly

Scorpio Horscope for the Month of February 2025

In case of February 2025 Month Prediction for the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio, Jupiter's aspect going on your sign. So, definitely Jupiter’s aspect will be very beneficial to you. There will be a good improvement in both marriage and in the family relationships. In this month, the relationship with your brothers and sisters will be good and if you are an elder brother, they will respect you a lot and if you are younger one then all are will be loving you. During the first week some health issues seen with your mother.

As per Scorpio Horscope for the Month of February 2025. Currently Mars sitting in the eighth house and it’s 4th aspects goes to the eleventh house suggests that you may get some loan to complete your pending work, you will have some extra income in the month of February and you may get a lump some money without any efforts during the month. The Sun and Mercury aspect your 9th house, so expecting you will have improvement in your financial situation. You can have a chance for good earnings now in the stock market, but don’t so heavy investment. Mercury, and Rahu in the fourth house, as well as the presence of Venus and Rahu in the fifth house. You may have some health issues in the abdomen area or may may be chest infection, so I would suggest follow a healthy lifestyle. In case of job or business point of view, this month is somehow good to rise in the income.

Remedies for Scorpio Signs for February 2025

  • Mars is the most beneficial planet for you. Chant Mars Beej Mantra on Tuesday.
  • Visit Shiva temple in the evening of Krishna Paksha/ Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi Tithi.
  • Serve food to handicapped people. Best is Saturday
  • Distribute sweets to young girls after offering to Lord Hanuman.