
Aquarius Horoscope 2025

Date: 01 Jan, 2025, (Monthly Horoscope for Mar 2025)

Health of Aquarius in the Year 2025

This year may be mixed or slightly weaker than usual in terms of health for Aquarius natives. The second half of the year is expected to be much stronger than the first half. Saturn, the lord of your sign and ascendant, will remain in its own sign i.e. the first house from the beginning of the year till the month of March. Since Saturn is in its own sign, it will not have any significant negative effects, although its transit from the first house is not favorable.

This means that it will not cause any particular health problem. After March, the lord of your ascendant or sign will enter the second house. Apart from this, this transit is not considered positive for Saturn. Rahu will also transit in the first house from the month of May. This is also not good for health.

Aquarius Horoscope Complete Report 2025 states that you may have digestive or mental problems due to Rahu. That is, while Rahu and Saturn are pointing to a decline in your health, there is also a good thing: Jupiter will remain in your fifth house from mid-May to the end of the month. In this situation, Jupiter will be in a very favorable position. Jupiter being in the fifth house will aspect your luck, income and first house. Therefore, it will protect your health. This means that there may be health problems this year. These include problems related to the hands, stomach and brain, as well as problems related to the tongue, but by mid-May, these problems may either disappear completely or become less severe. Thus, from the health point of view, we can conclude that the second half of the year is good. Nevertheless, it will be important to maintain health awareness throughout the year.

Education & Career of Aquarius in the Year 2025

Your health will be protected as a result. In other words, this year may bring health problems. These include problems related to the hands, stomach and brain, among other areas. However, by mid-May, most of these problems will subside or become less severe. In this way, we can conclude that the second half of the year is favorable for health. However, it will be important to keep health in mind throughout the year. Aquarius Horoscope 2025 states that all types of students will perform strongly after the month of May. Whether they are students pursuing higher education or just basic education, everyone is going to get excellent results.

Especially students associated with arts and literature can get even better results. That is, if your health is good, then you will be able to get excellent academic results this year. However, if your health continues to deteriorate, then you will be able to get average or better than average results.

Health of Aquarius in the Year 2025

From the business point of view, Aquarius people can expect average or above average success this year. Individuals who work very hard, keep accurate records and follow a fixed timetable can also get excellent results. Due to Saturn's aspect on the tenth house, there may be a slight slowdown in business from the beginning of the year till March. However, things will pick up pace after that. Business will continue despite some challenges in making profits.

Since Jupiter's aspect will be on your tenth house till mid-May, it will have a positive effect on your business. Especially those doing business with foreign countries are likely to get better results. After mid-May, your performance will improve and your plans will be more fruitful. This year Mercury appears to be generally in your favour during transit. Also, the transit of Mars, the lord of your tenth house, may be average. We conclude that, in matters related to business, you can expect average or better than average results this year.

Business of Aquarius in the Year 2025

From a business perspective, Aquarius natives can expect average or above average success this year in general. Individuals who put in a lot of effort, keep accurate records and follow a set schedule can also get excellent results. With Saturn aspect the tenth house, business may remain a bit slow from the beginning of the year till the month of March. However, things will pick up pace after that. Despite some challenges in making profits, business will continue. Since Jupiter aspect your tenth house till mid-May, it will have a positive impact on your business. Better results are possible, especially for those doing business with foreign countries.

After mid-May, your performance will improve and your plans will be more fruitful. Mercury is generally seen to be in favour you during its transit this year. Apart from this, Mars, the lord of your tenth house, may have an average transit. We conclude that, in matters related to business, you can expect average or better than average results this year.

Love Life of Aquarius in the Year 2025

When it comes to romantic relationships, this year can bring average or better than average results for Aquarius natives. Very positive results can also be obtained in some circumstances. The transit of Mercury, the lord of the fifth house, will be in you favour for most of the year. Also, Venus, the planet of romantic relationships, is trying to bring good luck for most of the year during its transit. This year, no adverse planet will touch the fifth house directly for a considerable time. According to Rahu's fifth aspect, which some scholars believe, there will be no significant problems in relationships after May, although there may be some ups and downs due to mutual distrust.

Due to Jupiter's transit in the fifth house from mid-May to the end of the month, which can promote good compatibility in romantic relationships. Thus, in general, 2025 can be a good year for romantic relationships, says Aquarius Horoscope 2025. We are considering the year as average or better than average for romantic relationships as some issues are likely to arise sometimes. Those with favorable circumstances under the grace of Jupiter can get very good results till mid-May; but, in general, we would like to say that love relationships can be average or better than average this year.

Marital Life of Aquarius in the Year 2025

This year generally offers good results for Aquarius natives who have reached marriageable age and who are trying for marriage. Although the second half of the year will try to give better results than the first, we will not call the first half negative or bad. If you try, engagement or marriage related matters can also move forward in the first half, but from mid-May, things are going to be really solid and favorable. So, things related to marriage are going well this year. The second half of the year is better than the first. We can also consider this year a little weak for marital life.

Marriage related issues may arise due to the influence of Saturn in the seventh house from the beginning of the year to the month of March. Generally good conditions are likely to prevail in April and May, but after that some incompatibilities may arise due to the influence of Rahu Ketu on the seventh house. In such a situation, it will be important to take care of each other's emotional and physical needs. Aquarius horoscope for 2025 indicates that marriage related concerns are generally favorable this year, but you will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain harmony with your spouse.

Remedies for Aquarius natives in 2025

  • Go barefoot to the temple daily for 43 days.
  • Wear a silver square as a locket with black thread in the neck.
  • Wear washed clothes every day. Don’t wear re-used clothes. If not possible on daily basis you can try on Friday only.